舊 2009-06-02, 04:27 PM
ras0314 ras0314 目前離線
註冊日期: 2005-08-22
文章: 2,328
預設 你有過這樣的經驗嗎? Transaction cancelled by Sedo

Transaction cancelled by Sedo

Based upon a review of the domain and the potential conflict with the trademark rights of a third party, we have felt it necessary to cancel this transaction and the related transfer/escrow services for the domain. Please be aware that intellectual property rights and marketplace integrity are of the highest value at Sedo.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the matter, please submit an inquiry through our Customer Support Center at http://support.sedo.com. Under the Ask a Question section, select the following Area and Topic:

Area: Transfers & Escrow
Topic: Trademark

We apologize for any inconvenience and hope you understand the nature of our actions to ensure a trusted exchange platform.

拍賣結束了, 結果卻被 Sedo 給取消~


如果真是買家的問題, 那我還可以跟sedo抱怨那位買家~

沒想到取消者是sedo.....重點是, 域名還parking在sedo, sedo 並沒有因為可能侵犯商標而將這個域名移除~

此篇文章於 2009-06-02 04:48 PM 被 ras0314 編輯。