舊 2009-06-03, 10:01 AM
best-url 的頭像
best-url best-url 目前離線
註冊日期: 2003-08-11
住址: IDN Club
文章: 9,925
發送 MSN 消息給 best-url

Sedo 的 通知 -


from "Sedo.com" noreply@sedo.com
reply-to noreply@sedo.com
to bxxxxxn@gmail.com
date Jun 3, 2009 6:55 AM
subject Your IDN domains at Sedo
mailed-by compositeemail.net

Hello XXX,

To ensure that you are earning the most with your domains listed with Sedo, we recently completed a series of domain name server (DNS) tests to detect inactive domains. These regular checks are designed to identify domains in your account that do not currently benefit from Sedo's marketplace or domain parking.

Last week you received an email with a list of domains pending deletion. This list included IDNs domains that were incorrectly marked as inactive. We apologize for this inconvenience. Please be assured that none of the IDN domains associated with this check will be removed from your Sedo account this month.

If you have any further questions regarding the DNS testing, please log into your Sedo account and visit our FAQ's for more information.

Best regards,

Your Sedo Team

161 First St.

Cambridge, MA 02142
