主題: e.co
舊 2010-07-20, 11:19 AM
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.CO Registry: 40k Names Pre-Registered,
6 Figure Sale Already Made

Tomorrow is a big day for the .CO Registry, as they will be publicly launching in the afternoon at 2pm EST. People will begin finding out if the .CO domain names they ordered were secured by their domain registrars, and others will learn more information about auctions and domain availability.

I received an email from the .CO Registry with some impressive news and updates I thought I would share.

> Nearly 40,000 .CO domain names have been sold in the pre-launch phase
> 70% of the worlds top 500 brands have secured .CO domains
> The first public domain auction sold for $81,000 USD (www.e.CO)
> The Registry will be announcing its second public sale this week for six figures.
This may be the domain name Mike Berkens mentioned yesterday.

I know a number of people who are buying .CO domain names, and I personally back ordered around 10 or 12 of them. I am not making a huge investment right now (aside from the development cost of the Founders Program name I was awarded), but I think this extension is going to strong results.

As I’ve said here in the past relating to .CO and other extensions, I’d rather invest heavily when I see the money rolling in and a solid aftermarket formed, even if it means less upside. There’s less risk when names begin selling for high values on the aftermarket.

Surprisingly to me, nobody correctly guessed the Founders Program domain name I was awarded; however, I am not going to reveal the domain name yet until it’s in my possession. Hopefully that will be soon and development will start ASAP.