舊 2011-05-25, 03:58 PM
piece2ec piece2ec 目前離線
註冊日期: 2010-11-11
文章: 169

Thank you for contacting Online Support. It appears an MS SQL database in your hosting has reached the 200 MB limit. Unfortunately, you cannot increase the size of MS SQL databases in shared hosting plans. To have larger databases than the given limit, you need to migrate to either a Virtual Dedicated or a Dedicated Server.

For more information on Virtual Dedicated Servers, click here.

For more information on Dedicated Servers, click here.

Please let us know if we can help you in any other way.

原來MSSQL 200MB的方案,是屬於主機共享方案(大家網站都放在同一台主機)

一旦MSSQL 200MB(或MySQL 1GB)容量爆了,就要你換成專用主機的方案.....(比以前貴5倍以上左右

嗯....我看先把網站改用MySql 1GB記錄好了....先撐幾個月後再說= =...