舊 2012-03-29, 07:38 PM
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預設 Year of the Dragon

With The Year of the Dragon comes Dragon.com

March 29, 2012

Just nine weeks after the January 23rd arrival of the Year of the Dragon , DomainAdvisors, a leading broker of ultra premium domain names, announced this week that Dragon.com has been listed exclusively for sale with their firm. Highly marketable and easy to remember, Dragon.com offers a unique branding opportunity for a new or established company to capitalize on a universally recognized word included in over 83 million Google searches each month.

The dragon is a legendary animal and symbol of the emperor in China considered mysterious, unpredictable and untouchable. Several companies have already capitalized on the positive image and luck associated with the dragon by including dragons in their marketing, logos or even name. The Chinese even schedule important life events like big business deals, wedding or even births to take place during the year of the dragon, putting even more emphasis on the luck associated with this term.

"Domain names like Dragon.com have a strong and memorable branding association and offer significant advantages to online business,” said Jeffrey Gabriel, President of DomainAdvisors. “Good branding will make your domain name memorable, but a memorable domain name will make your branding efforts much easier. It's not often that a one-word, generic domain name of this caliber becomes available for sale, and DomainAdvisors is very happy to have been chosen as the firm to exclusively broker the sale of Dragon.com.”

Parties interested in Dragon.com should contact Amanda Waltz at +1 508 689 9569, ext. 201 or Amanda(at)DomainAdvisors(dot)com.