舊 2012-11-22, 12:01 AM
哈啦 的頭像
哈啦 哈啦 目前離線
註冊日期: 2002-05-28
文章: 23,118

作者: IdeaGuy 查看文章

When you've built a website that offers something of tremendous value or you've developed an idea that draws people together into a community, the radio test doesn't apply. That's what I think Svpply.com has created.

This is from their About page:

"Svpply is a community of people discovering the products they love."

"Every one of the 1.1 Million products in our Shop section has been selected
by hand by one of our members"

Those thousands of members are spreading the Svpply brand far better than a radio.

Actually, if someone said, "visit Supply.com with a v instead of a u" I'd remember it... it's more unique being a misspelling or hacked meaning. And, after visiting their site, It's an interesting Idea. Interesting enough to attract lots of funding ;-)

Svpply.com demonstrates how a good idea and business model negates common domain name sense.

My girlfriend just pointed out that "V" in ancient Roman times was used to represent the vowel "U". i.e., The famous brand Bvlgari.
Agreed, I understand your point.

But in a point of view as a domainer, this kind of domains should be avoid

In another way, any strange domains seem to have their chances too

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