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預設 The situation of New gTLD's

Re: New gTLD's - NetNames:
33% Have No Idea What A New gTLD is;
62% Have No Plans To Register One

2013 MAY 15

NetNames, a online brand protection and domain name management specialist, released the results of a poll of 100 business directors in UK enterprises (minimum turnover of £5 million) on domain names and the new gTLD’s.

In its research, NetNames found 99% of respondents feel domain names are important to their brand’s internet presence, reflecting the significance of maintaining a company’s visibility on the web.”

However, One in three organizations admits to not knowing what a gTLD is, and 62% of businesses have no plans to apply for a new domain name ending.

“When questioned about the potential benefits that new domain name extensions offer, 37% of executives think gTLDs will provide a stronger online presence, 36% believe they will increase revenue opportunities and 28% think gTLDs will lead to greater engagement with customers.

“Even so, just 4% of businesses have applied for a gTLD and only 6% are planning to.”
“Simon Jackson, chief commercial officer at NetNames, explains the impact of gTLDs.

“The online world is about to undergo a major transformation. Once new domain endings come into effect, it will take one organization – with a strong digital strategy and enough consumer sway – to take the lead in demonstrating the value of gTLDs and educating consumers. As a result, organizations need to develop an online policy that ensures businesses can take advantage of the opportunities that the web offers.”

This is another poll which attempts to show what we already know, that a lot of business are unaware of new gTLD’s and do not plan on registering one as of now.

However we still think that the results are quite positive rather than negative.

If you look at the poll the other way, 66% of these 100 businesses are aware of the new gTLD program and 38% are planning on buying one.

I think that is pretty strong numbers for a product that hasn’t gone on sale or been marketed by registries for sale.

Its like polls that are asking if people will buy Google Glasses even though they aren’t on sale and virtually no one has seen one in person to see what they will do. Those polls say only 10% of people will buy Google Glasses but once the go on sale the numbers will go higher

As new gTLD’s start to actually roll out and open for business the percentage of those who are aware of the program will increase as well as interest in registrations, yet domainers as usual will be the early adapters and for those that can pick up some prime properties in what turns out to be popular extensions, their are profits to be made.