舊 2016-02-05, 08:12 PM
Webii Webii 目前離線
註冊日期: 2009-06-07
文章: 3,651
預設 Your account will be locked!

Your account will be locked!

Godaddy Support <romeo_svc@xplornet.com>


2月 2 日於 3:09 AM

A deactivation request was made by you yesterday at exactly 18.06PM to completely close down your Godaddy account. We are attending to the request and soon we will close the email box as requested. If you did not make this request and you think you are receiving this message mistakenly,please click here and sign in back in order to keep your account intact, otherwise your account will be shut down.
Thank you,

此篇文章於 2016-02-05 08:14 PM 被 Webii 編輯。