當你手上千多個域名時, 批量域名價格更新是一件非常煩惱的事情, 不論是批量減價, 還是批量加價

所以這軟件... DAN.COM API Console 出現了
所見即所得的export 功能, 依日期自動命名不怕下次找不到上次更新價格的記錄.
Version 1.3.3 Released [2020-07-07]
現在可以直接把不同的 CSV 導入進去, 然後把域名最低價格 和 BIN 價格 同步 到DAN.com
CSV file import is now fully supported and Improved.
Two methods to import
- Import CSV (Overwrite Existed unchecked). The software will not try to add a duplicate record for the same domain during import.
- Import CSV (Overwrite Existed checked). One way sync to use the records in CSV to replace the current records in main panel during import.
Screenshot of importing CSV file download from Afternic.