舊 2004-10-28, 08:48 AM
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kjl kjl 目前離線
註冊日期: 2004-02-11
文章: 3,346
發送 MSN 消息給 kjl
預設 法国人也做这种事!!!!

More than 4000 domain names blocked! Thousands of Internet sites inaccessible! Innumerous e-mail addresses out of service! All this chaos, with all the consequences it brings with it, is the direct result of a precipitive action by AFNIC, the French Top Domain Registry.

AFNIC chose simply to block thousands of duly registered and paid for ‘.fr’ Domains with absolutely no prior warning or notice, and without any form of claims by third parties to justify their action.

Had such third party claims been registered, EuroDNS (http://www.eurodns.com), the AFNIC- accredited Registrar who registered the Domain names concerned, would have promptly taken the necessary steps to freeze any Domain name where an official dispute had been registered, as is the custom in this industry.

AFNIC’s one-sided action is thus particularly surprising as the organization loses any neutrality by contravening the established procedure for blocking a duly registered Domain, contrary to its own established rules of operation (see http://www.afnic.fr/doc/ref/juridique/parl#4).

In view of the business impact of such a one-sided action by AFNIC, EuroDNS is taking all possible steps to convince AFNIC to correct this matter as soon as possible and to resolve the situation. Such an independent and precipitive action by a supposable neutral authority cannot be tolerated in an open industry like the Internet, all the more so because of the major impact on the innocent parties involved - the Domain Name holders and their clients.

In the event of an emergency, please contact us by e-mail at dnsfr@support.eurodns.com

We will keep you fully informed of developments as they occur.

Thank you for your understanding.