舊 2005-01-12, 07:05 PM
x921766523 x921766523 目前離線
註冊日期: 2005-01-09
文章: 22

Thank you for your order!
Your order reference number is 162167999.
Your order is not complete until it has a "successful" status.
To view the details and/or status of this order please click here or go to MY ACCOUNT, REPORTS, Category/View Orders.
Domain Services
You have signed up for registration and/or hosting services. Click here for a full list of services available for your domain name.

To configure your domain name, click here, then click on the domain name you want to configure, and follow the instructions.

我好像弄錯了,剛又去按二次,,還要再去確認嬤??我英文很爛喔,,,,站長拜託幫我看依下拉...或是你可以幫我申請嬤 我的 mail jasper_ku@hotmail.com