舊 2005-08-19, 01:08 AM
bloop bloop 目前離線
註冊日期: 2005-08-19
文章: 3
預設 Wanted: traffic .com.tw domains & chinese .coms


Hopefully it is ok to write english as my Chinese is horrible.

I am interested in purchasing .com.tw names that have type-in traffic associated with them. These are the kinds of domains:
  • Generic Keywords - i.e. videogames.com.tw
  • Type-O traffic - i.e. yhoo.com.tw
  • MMORPG traffic & websites
  • Developed websites with little maintenance required and/or english speaking staff.

If you need to speak or communicate in Chinese, I will put you in touch with a Taiwanese associate.

Please if you are interested in selling a domain to us, include traffic statistics with your reply!

Kind Regards,