舊 2006-02-22, 05:14 PM
kiang kiang 目前離線
註冊日期: 2003-12-15
文章: 83
預設 在 Namecheap 註冊的網域名稱無法轉到 Yahoo! ?

一年多前貪小便宜,在 Yahoo! SMB 註冊了當時的特價服務(五年),但是註冊之後發現無法將網域名稱從 Namecheap 移轉到 Yahoo! SMB ,當時一忙就忘記持續聯繫;後來等到 Namechaep 的網域名稱快要到期時才想到有這麼一回事,結果經過數次聯繫之後 YAHOO 給了這樣的回信:

I understand your concern about having your domain registration, billing
in sync with Yahoo!

Our best suggestion to you regarding this is for you to contact your
registrar and have your domain name released. After your domain is
released, we suggest that you cancel your current account with us and
then re-register your domain name with us.

Please note that Yahoo! is not a Domain Registrar; we register our
domain names through our partner, Melbourne IT (inww.com). Once you
register a new domain name through Yahoo! your domain name is put under
Yahoo's! Reseller list. This makes Yahoo! the Reseller of your domain
name. Yahoo! will be responsible for renewing your domain name, which is
covered within the service charges of your account.

As Yahoo! is a reseller and not a registrar we are not able to perform
a registrar transfer of your pre-registered domain name. Once you
transfer your existing domain name to Yahoo!, using one of our Small
Business packages, you will still be responsible for renewing your
domain name through the original registrar of your domain name.

If your Domain has expired from the previous registrar you shall need
to cancel the domains service and open a new account and register the
domain with us. You can cancel your Yahoo! Domains account at any time
using the "Change Plan" link available on the "Manage My Services" page.
If you cancel your account, you will not be entitled to a refund of any
fees you have paid to Yahoo! Domains.

(Please note, transferring your domain away from the service does not
terminate your service.) Once you cancel your Yahoo! Domains account,
your domain name will remain registered to you.

You can search for the availability of the domain name you would like to
register -- and register a domain name using the Yahoo! Domains service
at the following URL:


1. Enter the domain name you wish to register.
2. If the domain name you wish to register has been taken, the system
will provide you with some suggestions. Once you have find the domain
name(s) you like to purchase, click on Continue with this Domain.
3. Select the plan you would like to associate with your domain.
4. Enter your payment information. If you do not have a Yahoo! Wallet,
you will need to create one during the checkout process.
5. Review and place your order.

For other tips and information on registering a domain name, you can


Once you placed your order, you should receive a confirmation email
within 24 hours.