舊 2006-03-17, 11:15 AM
nickyeahyeah nickyeahyeah 目前離線
註冊日期: 2005-08-18
文章: 393
預設 Microsoft 做的 Typo domain 研究!

"Strider Typo-Patrol: Discovery and Analysis of Large-Scale, Systematic Typo-Squatters

First Posted: 12/16/2005

Last Updated: 03/11/2006

Update 03/09/06:

· We plan to release a light-weight version of the Strider Typo-Patrol tool so that trademark owners can have an automatic and systematic process of discovering typo-squatting domains of their web sites and a low-cost and effective solution to take actions against trademark-violating typo-squatters. If you own one of the top 100,000 traffic domains according to Alexa and are interested in such a tool, please email tppatrol (at) microsoft.com with the names of the web sites that you own. "
