舊 2006-05-05, 08:52 AM
lin lin 目前離線
註冊日期: 2003-12-19
文章: 121

剛剛收到melbourne it回信,請大家幫我看看這是什麼意思,謝謝!

Dear Lin,

Re: IMPORTANT - Changes to your domain name licence terms and conditions - effective 15 June 2006.

Affects gTLDs only - that is, domain names ending with: .com .net .org .biz .info .name .travel .mobi

You are currently listed as the registrant of ***.info with Melbourne IT Limited ("Melbourne IT") as your Registrar. You may have registered the name directly through Melbourne IT or through an Authorised Melbourne IT reseller. In all cases, the registration of your domain name is governed by Melbourne IT's domain name registration agreement (the "Registration Agreement").

Melbourne IT is in the process of updating the Registration Agreement. The purpose of this email is to give all registrants of Melbourne IT 30 days advance notice of the changes that will apply to them. The changes will take effect from 15 June 2006.

The new changes include the following.

- Registrants may now renew their domain name at any time up to 40 days after expiry of the domain name licence.

- Melbourne IT may display a default "parked page" on registration and expiry of the domain name. The "parked page" may contain Melbourne IT and third party content, including advertising. Registrants are able to deactivate the default page by renewing, if applicable, and delegating the domain name to another nameserver.

- Authorised Melbourne IT Resellers may participate in the default "parked page" (described above) and sale of domain names which have not been renewed for over 40 days after expiry of the licence (described in a previous update).

- Addition of a new, transparent process to incorporate future changes to the Registration Agreement. Such process contemplates different notice periods depending on the nature of the change.

- Other more general changes, including that the indemnity now continues after termination, a clear reference to Melbourne IT's Acceptable Use Policy and some additional simplification and format changes.

You should read the new Registration Agreement and ensure you understand the changes being made. A full copy of the new terms and conditions can be accessed at:

If you are unable to access/read these terms and conditions for whatever reason or have any questions, please contact Melbourne IT via


There are two things you can do to avoid your domain name expiring:

1. Extend your licence period - this can be done at any time for a com,.net, .org, .biz, .info, .travel or .name domain name

2. Ensure your domain name contact details are up to date at all times (see below)


To view or edit your Contact Details via our Domain Management interface:

You will need your Melbourne IT registry key. If you do not have this key please follow the instructions on the above page to recover it.

If you have any questions about your domain name licence, please go to our Help Centre:

A full copy of the new terms and conditions are contained at the bottom of this email.

We wish you continued On-Line Business Success!


General Manager - Direct
Melbourne IT Limited