舊 2006-05-05, 09:33 AM
wanglian wanglian 目前離線
註冊日期: 2005-01-20
文章: 46
發送 ICQ 消息給 wanglian 發送 MSN 消息給 wanglian
預設 我在sedo定了一个域名 收到通知信

Dear Mr. æ­¦,

Congratulations! There is a new offer waiting for you
on the domain name XXXXX.

Please login to your Sedo account and click on "View my offers"
to negotiate or complete the sale. Please don't delay; offers are only valid for seven days.

Go directly to the open negotiations by clicking here:


If you have any questions or otherwise require assistance,
please feel free to contact us at info@sedo.com.


Please note that your counter-offer is binding for seven days.
This means that your offer becomes your actual buying/selling price,
which can be accepted for a sale by the other party at any time
during these seven days, unless the buyer makes a higher offer
or the seller lowers his asking price. During this seven day
period the buyer cannot lower his offer and the seller cannot
raise his asking price.

The acceptance of an offer is a contract! Once the seller and
buyer of a domain name agree upon a price and confirm
their bid/sale, both parties enter into a legally binding contract.


Your Sedo Team

http://www.sedo.com • mailto:info@sedo.com
