所以他就发出奖励告示: 共奖励18人!
补充一下,那个不是我的站! 其站长我很熟悉,是我网上的一位美国朋友

其站 需要 英文帖子!
Win $CASH from a contest (18 persons will be awarded)!
赢得发贴现金奖励 18位会被奖励
Members - here's your chances to win $cash at TheStudentsForum.com, it is http://www.TheStudentsForum.com!
The contest is:
The top 18th posters get the CASH from PAYPAL
1) To post related threads or replies into related forums; 要在每个板块发布相关的帖子(主题贴或是回复贴)
2) The threads can not be just few words; 每个主题帖子 不能只是 几个字而已
3) The threads must be at least 400 words (may not be a blurb); 最好是能有大概 400 字, *(当然不能是某些长篇广告词

4) The threads must be posted completely. 每个帖子都要有完整性,而不能是只发前部分...而没后面的结尾!
What you can't do:不能做的
1) You can not make SPAM posts in the forum; 你不能在论坛内发任何的广告,SPAM信息
2) You can not only post replies into the threads; 你也不能只是回复主题,而不发表主题.
3) You have to post threads as well (the average posting ratio is: 3 replies to 1 thread); 第二条的补充,你也必须发布主题贴, 大概比例可以是:3回复贴:1主题贴!
4) You can not reply unrelated things into the topic, or post unrelated threads into forums; 你不能回复主题帖子任何不相关的内容,也不能发不相关的主题贴到其板块;
5) you can not have multiple accounts for getting the cash. 为了得现金,你不能有多个帐号.
1st Place: $50 cash (The top-first poster: 1 person) 第一个奖励:50美元, 奖励发贴最多的第一位
2nd Place: $20 cash (The top-second poster: 1 person)第二个奖励:20美元, 奖励发贴最多的第二位
3rd Place: $10 cash (The top-third poster: 1 person)第三个奖励:10美元, 奖励发贴最多的第三位
4th Place: $2 cash (The top-third poster: 5 persons)第四个奖励:2美元, 奖励发贴最多的第4-8位
5th Place: $1 cash (The top-third poster: 10 persons)第五个奖励:1美元, 奖励发贴最多的第9一18位
This Contest ends in 30 days! (by 27.10.2006)
这个 奖励会在 30天之内 结束 也就是 27.10.2006
All winners will be chosen at TheStudentsForum.com; and it will be announced to everyone at TheStudentsForum.com.
每位赢者 会在 TheStudentsForum.com选出; 也会在TheStudentsForum.com站公布给大家!
It will be paid by Paypal!
将会用PAYPAL 支付!
Please feel free to post any questions you may have in this thread.
Good Luck!
Playpics - TheStudentsForum.com
The site is:网站是
更多的详情 还是请去 那个站点看详情!:D