2006-11-12, 01:06 AM
在 http://minime.cis.nctu.edu.tw/ctsun/Publications.html 這位教授的網頁的 2005 年研討會論文裡面可以看到
H. Lin and C.T. Sun, ``The ‘White-Eyed’ Player Culture: Grief Play and Construction of Deviance in MMORPGs,'' paper presented on the Digital Games Research Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June, 2005. Also in Suzanne de Castell and Jennifer Jenson (eds.), Changing Views: Worlds in Play—Selected papers of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association’s Second International Conference, pp. 91~100, published by DiGRA, Digital Games Research Association.
看樣子是一篇正式的研討會論文 ^^~