舊 2006-11-23, 10:37 AM
eeoo99 的頭像
eeoo99 eeoo99 目前離線
註冊日期: 2006-05-05
文章: 251
生氣 Parked真狠啦!!!

In order for Parked.com to pay industry leading payouts we have to ensure traffic quality for our network is of the highest standards. Our traffic quality department has analyzed your account and determined that it does not meet the high standards that are required to be a Parked.com partner.

Because of this your account xxxxx has been terminated. One of the reasons your account has been terminated may be found in the Parked.com terms of service (http://www.parked.com/tos/), which you agreed to when you signed up with us.


The Parked.com Traffic Quality Department
