舊 2006-12-23, 05:19 PM
dermin dermin 目前離線
註冊日期: 2006-12-22
住址: 高雄
文章: 153
發送 ICQ 消息給 dermin
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[Help] 在 RegisterMore.com 轉移網域被扣兩次款

剛剛詢問過中國信託, 回覆說被扣兩次款, 請問怎麼會這樣呢?

第一次 12/22 申請 RegisterMore.com 回覆說失敗, 要我再輸入一次,
因為我一直等不到 email 回覆, 只好再重新輸入一次,

麻煩站長大人幫幫忙, 謝謝喔.

ps, 我沒辦法在其他區留言, 只好在這裡發問, sorry

Dear Customer:

Thank you for your recent transfer request. We want to let you know transfer
order #33596681 has been closed.

Below you will find the status of all domains in this order.

The following domain names were not transferred successfully:

Domain Name Rejection Reason
90net.org Canceled - Domain is locked at current registrar, or is not yet 60 days old

One or more of the domains in this order was rejected because the domain was locked.
Please contact the current registrar, request them to remove the lock,
and then resubmit a transfer order for this domain.

If you have any questions please reply to this e-mail.
Thank you for using our domain registration services.
