第二屆 域名圓桌會議 2006年4月19-21日 將於 Bellevue, Washingto 召開...
tp://www.domainroundtable.com/ Dates: April 19-21, 2006 Location: Bellevue, Washington, At The Bellevue Westin (The hotel just opened in November of 2005). The Premier Domain Name Conference in Bellevue April 19th The world's brightest domain name owners will gain valuable insight at the second annual Domain Roundtable Conference, where we will bring together the community of: Domain Entrepreneurs, Technical Administrators, Domain Registrars and Resellers, Affiliate Program Managers, Industry Insiders, Search Engine Operators, Intellectual Property Community, Domain Brand Portfolio Managers, Press and Media. The Domain Roundtable conference is organized by Name Intelligence, Inc. the creator of www.whois.sc (Whois Source). With over 229,000 registered members and millions of users, this is your opportunity to network with other like-minded domain owners. You will also be able to meet with the staff behind Whois Source and a lot of other great industry professionals. The conference is about domains, and how domain names and the surrounding industries are working together to grow opportunity and increase trust and integrity in the process. What is the Domain Roundtable? The 2006 Domain Roundtable event will be a conference where industry professionals and their sophisticated audience can meet and discuss relevant issues to the industry. The conference is happening in Bellevue, Washington, from Wednesday, April 19th through Friday, April 21st. This will be an impressive assembly, representative of recognized names in the domain name, search engine, and legal industry. Last year's conference brought together UDRP Panelists, Registries, Registrars, Arbitrators, New Top Level Domains, Large Domain Portfolio Holders, Landing Page Monetization, Domain Aftermarket, Leading Intellectual Property Attorneys, Search Engines, Intergovernmental Policy Oversight Representation, Marketing experts, Industry Veterans, Privacy Advocates, Domain Drop-Catchers, Media Buyers, Venture Capitalists, DNS Experts, Branding managers, and many, many, more. Who should attend? Attendees The domain name industry touches so many aspects of everyday internet use, and the people attending the meeting, speaking, and sponsoring the event are in the domain name industry. We have compiled a sample of the 2005 attendee demographic, and the agenda will quickly be filled with topics, panels, and keynotes of interest to any company of any size. Among the audience, panels, and speaker events will be Search Engine Companies, Domain Aftermarket Professionals, Software Industry Giants, Noted Leaders in the field of Intellectual Property Law, CEOs, Presidents, Domain Registrars, Internet Domain Registries, World Intellectual Property Panelists and Industry Book Authors. The conference is shaping into an event unparalleled in its focus on the industry, and all of the right players are lined up to participate. Sponsorship Opportunity If you wish to have more information on sponsoring this event, please contact Jothan Frakes or Kristin White at Sponsorship2006@DomainRoundtable.com. |
在 IDNpros.com 上, 屬名 [DomainRoundtable] 的 Jothan 在版上說 先前籌備會議曾經討論有關 IDN 域名的現況與未來發展趨勢; 並將由 ICANN 的 Tina Dam 在此次域名圓桌會議上 對外界發表... (Jothan 並歡迎感興趣的版友一起參加此次的 圓桌會議)
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