然而.com punycode :xn--otxm03a.com English : but; however For example: She looks very young, but she is already in her 30's. Simp Chinese, 27,100,000 Google.cn with "然而" 20,900,000 Baidu.com with "然而" Price: 25$ 绘制.com punycode :xn--xcry10i.com English : to draw (a design, etc.) For example: I think it's very well drawn. Simp Chinese, 2,870,000 Google.cn with "绘制" 5,500,000 Baidu.com with "绘制" Price: 25$ 课题.com punycode :xn--kf3a41w.com English : problem or task For example: 1.a topic (or an assignment) for study or discussion 2.a task or challenge to be dealt with Simp Chinese, 20,900,000 Google.cn with "课题" 15,700,000 Baidu.com with "课题" Price: 25$ 物质生活.com punycode :xn--kzw93irrcgt2b.com English : material life; physical life Simp Chinese, 271,000 Google.cn with "物质生活" 1,550,000 Baidu.com with "物质生活" Price: 25$ 物质.com punycode :xn--g2xo48c.com English : 1.matter; a substance For example: Ice and snow are different forms of the same substance, water. Simp Chinese, 22,000,000 Google.cn with "物质" 20,700,000 Baidu.com with "物质" Price: 25$ 版税.com punycode :xn--i1xu9n.com English : royalty For example: a royalty (on books); a copyright royalty Simp Chinese, 578,000 Google.cn with "版税" 19,600,000 Baidu.com with "版税" 版税- Wikipedia http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%89%88%E7%A8%8E Price: 25$ 溶洞.com punycode :xn--qywx7a.com English : solution cavity For example: That is actually a cavity in the earth. Simp Chinese, 665,000 Google.cn with "溶洞" 924,000 Baidu.com with "溶洞" Price: 25$ 做事.com punycode :xn--3kqw7b.com English : to work; to have a job (colloquial language) For example: Work more and dream less, you will be much happier. Simp Chinese, 5,210,000 Google.cn with "做事" 14,500,000 Baidu.com with "做事" Price: 25$ 从事.com punycode :xn--3kq2f.com English : undertake;engage in For example: He has engaged in farming for 20 years. Simp Chinese, 36,100,000 Google.cn with "从事" 21,300,000 Baidu.com with "从事" Price: 25$ 演说.com punycode :xn--2dxy92d.com English : speech For example: The chairman made an opening speech. Simp Chinese, 2,650,000 Google.cn with "演说" 3,240,000 Baidu.com with "演说" Price: 25$ 防御.com punycode :xn--24tp82j.com English : defense For example:The shooting was in pure self-defense. Simp Chinese, 6,300,000 Google.cn with "防御" 12,300,000 Baidu.com with "防御" Price: 25$ 赌本.com punycode :xn--8pvp26f.com English : the money to gamble with Simp Chinese, 9,230 Google.cn with "赌本" 73,000 Baidu.com with "赌本" Price: 25$ 血库.com punycode :xn--dxtq14g.com English : blood bank Simp Chinese, 264,000 Google.cn with "绘制" 319,000 Baidu.com with "绘制" Price: 25$ 闲置.com punycode :xn--os0a147b.com English : leave unused Simp Chinese, 3,360,000 Google.cn with "闲置" 4,340,000 Baidu.com with "闲置" Price: 25$ 定居.com punycode :xn--mbt8o.com English : settle down to a place to live Simp Chinese, 2,670,000 Google.cn with "定居" 4,490,000 Baidu.com with "定居" Price: 25$ 高招.com punycode :xn--otu495j.com English : 1.master stroke 2.enroll new students with higher education (write a Chinese character in a simplified form ) Simp Chinese, 4,980,000 Google.cn with "高招" 4,760,000 Baidu.com with "高招" Price: 25$ 美育.com punycode :xn--lt0a8w.com English : aesthetic education; art education Simp Chinese, 125,000 Google.cn with "美育" 581,000 Baidu.com with "美育" Price: 25$ 异国.com punycode :xn--vcs99p.com English : foreign country For example: It was his destiny to die in a foreign country. Simp Chinese, 3,040,000 Google.cn with "异国" 6,030,000 Baidu.com with "异国" Price: 25$ 浪荡.com punycode :xn--w0wo28b.com English : 1. to loiter 2. to hang around For example: 1.The vagabond began to regret his waste of time. 2. In short, Mrs Miles is a loose fish. Simp Chinese, 657,000 Google.cn with "浪荡" 1,070,000 Baidu.com with "浪荡" Price: 25$ 心仪.com punycode :xn--tnqp42b.com English : .[Formal] to admire in the heart Simp Chinese, 2,470,000 Google.cn with "心仪" 5,170,000 Baidu.com with "心仪" Price: 25$ 封口.com punycode :xn--6ort2q.com English : 1.(of an envelope) to seal 2.(of a wound) to heal For example: 1.The envelope's seal was torn open. 2.The medicine and rest will soon heal your wound. Simp Chinese, 1,730,000 Google.cn with "封口" 1,450,000 Baidu.com with "封口" Price: 25$ 不能.com punycode :xn--ihqt55j.com English : 1. cannot 2. must not 3. should not For example: She cannot buy daily necessities, much less luxuries Simp Chinese, 150,000,000 Google.cn with "不能" 25,000,000 Baidu.com with "不能" Price: 25$ 调侃.com punycode :xn--6rqv88l.com English : 1.to scoff; to mock; to jeer Simp Chinese, 2,450,000 Google.cn with "调侃" 5,020,000 Baidu.com with "调侃" Price: 25$ 分忧.com punycode :xn--kbr315a.com English : help sb. to get over a difficulty For example: to share the cares and worries of someone going through a period of difficulty Simp Chinese, 506,000 Google.cn with "分忧" 767,000 Baidu.com with "分忧" Price: 25$ 烟火.com punycode :xn--vnXpJ.com English : 1.a firework; a sparkler For example: We went to a firework display yesterday. Simp Chinese, 5,270,000 Google.cn with "烟火" 6,040,000 Baidu.com with "烟火" Price: 25$ 焰火.com punycode :xn--vnX7P.com English : fireworks For example: Fireworks lighting the sky. Simp Chinese, 876,000 Google.cn with "焰火" 1,860,000 Baidu.com with "焰火" Price: 25$ 极乐世界.com punycode :xn--rhQ5E091FvtM.com English : 1.[Religion] (of Buddhism) Pure Land; Western Paradise; Elysian Fields 2. Pure Land 3. Elysium For example: Doctor will have more lives to answer for in the next world than even we generals. Simp Chinese, 99,200 Google.cn with "极乐世界" 703,000 Baidu.com with "极乐世界" 极乐世界.net have register Price: 25$ 绝伦.com punycode :xn--jpQ167I.com English : 1.unsurpassed; unequalled; peerless; matchless For example: The vase is of matchless workmanship. Simp Chinese, 1,560,000 Google.cn with "绝伦" 2,250,000 Baidu.com with "绝伦" 绝伦.net have register Price: 25$ 调戏.com punycode :xn--unUu74G.com English : 1. molest 2. dally with 3. dalliance 4. footsie 5. flirtation For example: "If he ever makes a pass at you I'll wring his neck." Simp Chinese, 1,240,000 Google.cn with "调戏" 2,680,000 Baidu.com with "调戏" Price: 25$ 饭桌.com punycode :xn--hyVo70I.com English : dining table For example: She was out of bed, dressed and at the breakfast table in 50 seconds flat. Simp Chinese, 805,000 Google.cn with "饭桌" 2,340,000 Baidu.com with "饭桌" Price: 25$ Paypal cash |