Domain-Parking “SedoPro” was voted World’s best Domain-Parking Program Filed under: Aftermarket — Chief Editor at 3:12 pm on Thursday, November 23, 2006 November,22nd, 2006 - Sedo, the world’s largest domain auctioneer was awarded the title of World’s best Domain-Parking Program for its product “SedoPro Parking”. The decision was made in Miami, USA at T.R.A.F.F.I.C East, the largest yearly Domain Conference. According to over 1200 Domain Professionals, SedoPro provides professional Domain Investors with the best tools to monetize their domain portfolio. Sedopro was successful despite the growing number of new domain parking competitors, namely no less than 10 new service providers this past year alone. This confirms the now more than obvious economic importance that parking domains is having on the internet community at large. About SedoPro More than 45 percent of all registered Domains are not actively being used by their owners. To take advantage of these stagnant resources, domain auctioneer Sedo.de decided to introduce an innovative, free service: their “Domain-Parking” service allows you to make money with unused Domains. The principle behind it is simple but ingenious: Sedo.de inserts matching paying link ads and the domain owner ends up receiving the generated income stream minus commissions. For the customer, registering their stagnant domains with Sedo is completely free. The “SedoPro” solution has been tailored specifically for Domain Owners with quality domain portfolios. Last year alone “SedoPro” experienced a 500 percent growth spurt. Additional information about SedoPro can be obtained from www.sedopro.com About Sedo Sedo has offices in Köln, Germany and Boston, USA and is the world’s leading Domain-Auctioneer with a current sales portfolio of over 5 million Domains of various extensions - of which more than two million Domains are parked with SedoPro. Sedo offers Domain services - such as Domain-Parking, Domain-Valuations, Domain-Transfers and Domain-Marketing. More information at www.sedo.de. Editor: Roland G. Buck - DomainNews.com - November 23rd 2006 |