但我的Whois都一樣,也沒有作假..... 這方面的信件,我倒底要不要理它? 以下是RegisterMore(enom)寄來的~ 引用:
Gamer.info |
不然就不要按信件所附的連結 由正常網址進去看看
![]() 引用:
因為根據 ICANN 的規定,註冊域名者,必須提供正確的 whois 資料,否則會取消該域名的使用資格。 該信件只是每隔一段時間,提醒你確認 whois 資料仍然是有效的。 其中,最重要的是電子郵件的資料,必須為真實有效的電子郵件。 如果確信該連結的網址,就是你註冊商的網址,那應該就沒有問題。 我剛剛也是接到 GoDaddy 要求確認。 |
滿久以前就一直有在寄了 哈拉大大以前好像也有提過∼ |
而且我注意到godaddy.com首页最上方近日放置了ICANN的图标以及确认的相关连接. |
我也收到GoDaddy 要求確認的信了, 連接回你的註冊商,
再將確認碼填回送出即可, 註冊資料如果有誤就更正一下, 不然這樣就可以囉... ^^ 謝謝licheng兄, 我自己差點忘了去看GoDaddy 呢... ![]() |
Dear domain administrator, We'd like to remind you to verify and update the WHOIS information (the contact information and technical details for your domain name) for your domain name mydomain.com, as the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) requires. If you are sure that your WHOIS information is correct, no action on your part is required at this time, and you may disregard this notice. ICANN requires that WHOIS information be accurate and up-to-date. Please remember that under the terms of your registration agreement, providing false WHOIS information can lead to cancellation of your domain name registration. Learn more about WHOIS and ICANN in our online help center at http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/domains/registrationinfo/. We also recommend that you regularly check and update your WHOIS information to prevent any fraudulent activity against your domain and to ensure that you receive notification when it's time to renew your domain. Learn more at http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/domain...oninfo-05.html. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REVIEWING AND UPDATING YOUR WHOIS INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can review your current public WHOIS information at the end of this message or, if you are the domain owner, anytime from your Domain Control Panel as long as Yahoo! is your domain service provider. To view your WHOIS information, visit the "Domain Registration Information" area of your Domain Control Panel. You'll find this page at http://domains.yahoo.com/reginfo?d=mydomain.com& or by following the steps below. Use the Yahoo! ID associated with your domain name, me@mydomain.com, to sign in to your account. To review your WHOIS information: 1. Visit your Business Control Panel at http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/services. If you haven't already signed in, do so now. 2. Select the "Domain Control Panel" link that corresponds with the domain whose record you'd like to review. 3. On the Domain Control Panel, click the "View/Edit Your Domain Registration" link. 4. On the following page, "Domain Registration Information," you'll be able to review your WHOIS information. PLEASE NOTE: If you have activated Yahoo! Private Domain Registration, an optional feature that helps keep your personal contact information private, the "Domain Registration Information" page will display the contact information on file in the private database maintained by Yahoo! and our domain registration partner, Melbourne IT. To view your public WHOIS record, click the "WHOIS record" link on the "Domain Registration Information" page. Learn more about Private Domain Registration at http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/domains/pdr/. To update your WHOIS contact information: 1. On the "Domain Registration Information" page (see above instructions for accessing this page), click the "Edit" button, located above your WHOIS information. 2. On the following page you can edit your registrant, administrator, and technical contact address, email, and phone number, and modify the name of your administrator or technical contact. (To change the name of the registrant , you'll need to send a request to Yahoo! Customer Care. Learn more at http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/domain...oninfo-02.html.) If you have activated Private Domain Registration, rest assured that any changes you make to your WHOIS record will be reflected only in Yahoo! and Melbourne IT's private database; your public WHOIS record will continue to display only Melbourne IT's contact information. Please note that changes to domain name registration information can take up to 24 hours to appear in the public WHOIS database. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRIVATE DOMAIN REGISTRATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you haven't signed up for Yahoo! Private Domain Registration, your WHOIS details are publicly accessible. To help protect your privacy, you can sign up for Yahoo! Private Domain Registration, which shields your personal information from spammers and other unwanted solicitors by replacing your contact information in the public WHOIS database with that of Yahoo!'s domain registration partner, Melbourne IT. Learn more about Private Domain Registration at http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/domains/pdr/pdr-01.html, or sign up now by visiting your Business Control Panel at http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/services and clicking the "Add Extras"link that corresponds with your plan, then selecting "Private Domain Registration." 然後下面就是我的域名信息。 請問這封郵件是讓我把域名的聯係人信息寫正確嗎? 如果我域名的聯係人信息是亂寫的,會有什麽影響呢?謝謝! |