還是只是新春大特價!? 早上收到的email..... Dear Class Member: Below is a certificate in the form of a promotional code for $5.00 (five dollars) off the cost of Register.com's domain name registration fees or the cost of domain renewal fees for all domain names registered or renewed using Register.com's services (the "Certificate") for a redemption period of nine (9) months from the date of this e-mail. The Certificate is being issued to you as a consequence of the Court-approved settlement in the Zurakov lawsuit, notice of which was previously sent to you. CERTIFICATE CODE: --------(FOR NEW REGISTRATIONS); --------- (FOR RENEWALS) * You are receiving this Certificate because you are a member of the Class which means you paid for Register.com's services to register Internet domain names that, upon such domain names' activation, were connected to Register.com's "Coming Soon Page" during the period from January 30, 1998 through March 6, 2001. * This Certificate expires in 9 (nine) months from the date of this e-mail. * Instructions on how to combine this Certificate with other Register.com offers, discounts, or promotions are available at: http://www.register.com/zurakov/notice.html. * This Certificate may, in any event, always be redeemed independently of other offers online through Register.com's website in the same manner as other Register.com promotions.
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