求助為何我在registermore.com上的轉址設定 無法改為指向我自己的DNS主機我參考這篇http://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=1865想要修改為自己的DNS主機,卻無法修改出現了下列錯誤訊息 *****Errors modifying nameservers: nRRPResponseCode 541*****便無法儲存我的修改內容,請問該如何解決
網路查詢的回答有 回答(1) Please, submit a ticket to the domain helpdesk. They will solve your problem as soon as possible. 回答(2) Error 541 means "Invalid Attribute Value." Are you entering just the nameserver names? Any typos? Is that all that you're changing? Are the nameservers registered in the registry where you're trying to use them? If you're properly spelling the names of nameservers registered in the registry for the domain you're trying to update, then it's likely a programming issue with your provider. Regards, ras0314
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Please, submit a ticket to the domain helpdesk. They will solve your problem as soon as possible. 怎樣通知helpdesk請他協助我的問題?? 回答(2) Error 541 means "Invalid Attribute Value." Are you entering just the nameserver names? Any typos? Is that all that you're changing? Are the nameservers registered in the registry where you're trying to use them? 我是依據http://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=2582 這頁面參考設定的選項OurDNS Servers 改成是上面的user之後按下SAVE CHANGES他出現24小時後改變的告知後出現五個方格第一個填入DNS1.我的Domain Name .COM第二個填入DNS2.我的Domain Name .COM之後選下面的選項SAVE CHANGES之後便出現了 *****Errors modifying nameservers: nRRPResponseCode 541*****的訊息,無法儲存變更的資料,不知錯在哪邊 If you're properly spelling the names of nameservers registered in the registry for the domain you're trying to update, then it's likely a programming issue with your provider. 我的nameservers共有四組其中一組iamled.com不知為何能改,改過一次(連續改兩天忽然改過去儲存下來,我也不清楚為何如此)後便不能在變更,其他三組isled.net,wenett.com,wenett.net都無法變更我的在registermore.com上的轉址設定,不知是不是網頁設定有問題??(因為一開始我要註冊使用者時就有問題,註冊註不進,可是my account有註冊資料可使用)是否可以教導一下或是幫我看一下哪裡出問題 |
下面這三個Domain Name選項OurDNS Servers 無法改成設定user選項
目前三個Domain Name都是指向這裡 OurDNS Servers dns1.name-services.com dns2.name-services.com .. 想改設定為自己的DNS Server因此選擇user選項修改 user選項 Domain Name DNS Server isled.net dns1.isled.net dns2.isled.net wenett.com dns1.wenett.com dns2.wenett.com wenett.net dns1.wenett.net dns2.wenett.net 上面各自修改成後,每次按下SAVE CHANGES後要儲存,就會出現下列錯誤訊息 *****Errors modifying nameservers: nRRPResponseCode 541*****無法儲存.我依照書上和網路上寫的方式因該沒錯,不知哪裡出現問題,還請指正 你的DNS主機有宣告過嗎? 不知道耶是不是 Register a NameServer Name如過是的話,有給他IP了阿 |
感謝,已排除問題,原來需要同時先設Register a NameServer Name 2組IP之後才能更改DNS Server也因此才可以選擇user的選項