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Will My GoDaddy backorders Credit Expired ?
小弟看到它是有Expired Date 的.. 但沒留意到期後.. credit 會不會消失.. 有版中的大大試過因到期而版扣Credit的情況 嗎? 謝謝解答, Kam
DomainNames .cc | DomainNames .TV | Domain Brilliant | Premium Coffee Name Bloggers | Domain Softwares | Auto Multimeter | Super Gemstone | Wallets .tv | Ultrasonic Cleaner EN.HK 免費超短轉址 |香港 二手車 | 電郵行銷 |
在哪里可以看到Expired Date呢?
收购各位版友的四字母com、数字米com/net/cc、三杂米com、拼音米。价格随行市价。站内联系。 |
收购各位版友的四字母com、数字米com/net/cc、三杂米com、拼音米。价格随行市价。站内联系。 |
小弟a/c 好像有些credit 不見了..
所以問一下會不會因為Expired 的緣故... 如果Backorder 真的會 expired , 就有點過份喔..因為backorder 多數要在數個月前backorder 的...所以不論是否成功, backorder 後都要再等數個月才知是否成功.... 換句話說, 一年即只有大約4次的Backorder 機會.. Kam
DomainNames .cc | DomainNames .TV | Domain Brilliant | Premium Coffee Name Bloggers | Domain Softwares | Auto Multimeter | Super Gemstone | Wallets .tv | Ultrasonic Cleaner EN.HK 免費超短轉址 |香港 二手車 | 電郵行銷 |
收购各位版友的四字母com、数字米com/net/cc、三杂米com、拼音米。价格随行市价。站内联系。 |
DomainNames .cc | DomainNames .TV | Domain Brilliant | Premium Coffee Name Bloggers | Domain Softwares | Auto Multimeter | Super Gemstone | Wallets .tv | Ultrasonic Cleaner EN.HK 免費超短轉址 |香港 二手車 | 電郵行銷 |
那個應該是你要back order 的網址過期日 不是你back order 的到期日 Domain Name Status Available Date Create Date Expiration Date Registrar DomainAlert Pro Backordering lets you monitor a particular domain and, if available, immediately attempts to register it under your name. There is no time restriction for DomainAlert Pro Backorders. We attempt to acquire the domain for you until we successfully capture it or until you remove the backorder. 應該是life time的吧~ A DomainAlert Backordering account includes all the functionality and features of DomainAlert Pro, including tracking and notification of any changes to a monitored domain's registrar, status, expiration date, or nameservers. Should the backordered name go to auction at The Domain Name Aftermarket, your backorder cost is used to place the opening bid. If no one else places a bid on the name, the domain is awarded to you, subject to rights of the previous domain holder. If someone does bid on the name, you receive an outbid notice and are given the chance to raise your bid or move your backorder to another name. 不過就算back order到了,...有人下標的話..那也沒用.. 我買了一堆godaddy backorder...結果我想還是跟snapname一樣..價高者得.. 根本不用買back order,直接標就好了 此篇文章於 2008-01-12 09:10 PM 被 marklin 編輯。 |
看到Namepros 也有相關討論..
http://www.namepros.com/domain-name-...ire-after.html 好像"真的"會在一年後沒收Credit... Oh.. My $$$$
DomainNames .cc | DomainNames .TV | Domain Brilliant | Premium Coffee Name Bloggers | Domain Softwares | Auto Multimeter | Super Gemstone | Wallets .tv | Ultrasonic Cleaner EN.HK 免費超短轉址 |香港 二手車 | 電郵行銷 |
剛剛查了一下我的 order history
那時候買是 DATE: 5/23/2005 9:43:30 AM 可現在還是沒有不見阿~ |