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舊 2008-05-22, 06:02 PM
marklin marklin 目前離線
註冊日期: 2004-02-02
文章: 1,234
預設 You can start pre-applying for your list of desired .ME Domains

Dear Customer,

Answerable.com is glad to launch .ME - A personalized TLD with a universal appeal.

You can start pre-applying for your list of desired .ME Domains at an amazingly low pricing of just $59 per year (fully refundable).

Why .ME?

.ME is about YOU! With a .ME domain, the Internet will, quite simply, be all about YOU. .ME has incredible potential for Internet users world-wide. It is one of the recent TLDs approved by ICANN and is expected to be utilized as both a Personalized Web address and as a catchy business marketing tool around the world. For the first time in Internet history, domain names are essentially personal.

.ME Application process:

You can start applying for your .ME Domains right away! We are accepting applications till 26th June, 2008.

In case you are the sole applicant for your Domain, you will acquire the ownership of that particular Domain Name a short while after 26th June, 2008.
For domains that will receive more than one application, the .ME registry will allocate the Domain Name via an auction. So in case any of your Domains get multiple applications, you can claim ownership of the concerned Domain Name by placing the highest bid for it. This auction will be held a short while after 26th June, 2008, and you will be emailed all the details on this.
Why apply through Answerable.com?

All Domain applications processed through us are guaranteed a reversal on the application charge. This means, if the outcome of the auction process is not in your favor, the entire application amount will be refunded to you. This way, you can safely apply for as many Domains as you want, without having to pay for a Domain that you will not eventually end up registering!


$59 includes 1 year registration as well as pre-application cost.
You will be required to register for a minimum of 2 years, as mandated by the .ME Registry. Thus, you will be charged $118 for applying for a .ME Domain.
In case the outcome of the auction is not in your favor, the entire amount of $118 will be refunded to you.
Along with .ME at just $59, you can purchase any domain extension from our Domain Portfolio at the most competitive pricing available online.

Please feel free to get back to us, in case you require any further information or clarification.

Warmest Regards
Best Regards,

Team Answerable


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