99BUYCOM 不过我试了下,不输入这个优惠码也可以(结算时请自行判断)。 打开Godaddy.com就可以在左侧的导航栏那里看到优惠信息的—— SPECIAL OFFER! $0.99 DOMAIN NAMES! Register or transfer any available .COM, .US, .MOBI, .BIZ, .NET or .ORG domain for just $0.99!* 可以是新注册,也可以是转移一个域名到Godaddy.com。但只能是.com,.us,.mobi,.biz,.net,.org后缀的。 Applies to the first year only of new or transfer registrations. This offer may not be used for renewals, bulk registrations, premium domains or Sunrise/Landrush domain registrations. Limited to one order per customer, expiring after 5,000 redemptions or on May 1st, 2009. Discount will be reflected in your shopping cart; cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Customers may not use gift cards or PayPal® to redeem this offer. Your discount will be applied in your shopping cart. 这是详细的解释。一个帐号只能享受一个域名一年的优惠,而且这个域名必须是新注册或者转移到Godaddy的,其它的域名不适用。 在结算时只用用信用卡结算(而且一张卡只能用一次,不能多帐号用同一卡结算),不能用paypal结算。所以手头没有信用卡的就不用费劲了啊~~~~~~~~ 优惠截止日期是5月1日,当然,如果总数达到了5000个,随时可以截止的。所以有条件想弄的赶紧了。
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