2013-02-13, 12:25 PM
註冊日期: 2003-08-11
住址: IDN Club
文章: 9,925
Do domain companies hate bloggers?
Do domain companies hate bloggers?
February 12th, 2013
I can’t blame them much of the time, but it’s a two way street.
Over the weekend I read Shane Cultra’s write-up of Webfest. (Great seeing you Shane, by the way.)
It was a good write-up, especially his last point:
The domain companies don’t like the bloggers that bitch all the time. Several conversations included companies asking why we don’t try and contact them directly before writing. I’ll give one example. Talking to the nice representatives from DomainNameSales they told me that somebody had complained about not paying via MassPay on Paypal. There are jurisdictional issues with paypal and they can’t use it from the Cayman Islands. Yet the article was written without prior communication to ask why? In short, the reputation of bloggers is pretty good with domain investors, pretty weak with domain companies.
This is true. I think domain companies rightfully get upset when a blogger complains or makes allegations without checking on the facts or asking for a comment.
I have no idea which blog DNS was referring to, but this is a classic example of when it makes sense to just ask the company before whining. If you aren’t happy with the response, that’s fine. Blog about it. But ask first before whining.
That said, it’s a two way street.
The domain news business has gotten a bit competitive. It’s important to get important and breaking news published quickly.
Which is why it’s important for domain companies to respond quickly to blogger inquiries.
I’m always willing to hear both sides of a story. But if I email/call you today and don’t hear back 12 hours later, I’m not going to hold the story. Depending on the story (i.e. the news is already getting out there), your fuse is probably a lot shorter than that.
Smart companies (or at least companies that care about what’s written about them) know this. There are a couple companies in the industry that respond back immediately to any inquiries I make.
Others take days, and then they think I’m beating up on them or not being fair.
Frankly, if it takes a couple days to respond to an inquiry about news, you deserve to be beat up a little.
If it’s an inquiry about something not as pressing, then a day or two is no big deal. (It always helps if you respond back saying “I’m looking into this and will get back to you by ___”.)
Domain companies and domain bloggers both need something from each other. Companies want to get the word out about their products and services. Bloggers want interesting stuff to write about. It’s a two-way street.
So to the DNS person who was talking to Shane: you’re absolutely right. To the companies that don’t build effective communication channels with bloggers: it’s your own fault.