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舊 2005-01-09, 02:48 AM
dtc dtc 目前離線
註冊日期: 2004-05-03
文章: 299
預設 英檢 maniac... an opportunity for English.com.tw?

- 英檢 maniac -

English awareness was always high among parpulation in Taiwan, with 英檢 maniac, I think it is time to incoorparate English.com.tw. Any tho?

全民運動 全民英檢12萬人考(二) (2005-01-08)
全民英檢初級初試今舉行 12萬人報名破紀錄 (2005-01-08)
破紀錄! 全民英檢報名人數破12萬 (2005-01-08)
94年首場全民英檢考生全力以赴 (2005-01-08)
縣警局辦英輔英檢班 (2005-01-08)
初級英檢明登場 教育單位籲家長勿給太大壓力 (2005-01-07)
台機場計程車司機 6年後得會說英語 (2005-01-07)
中正機場300位運將要考英文? 民航局新規定提升形象 (2005-01-07)
舊 2005-01-09, 03:17 AM
哈啦 的頭像
哈啦 哈啦 目前離線
註冊日期: 2002-05-28
文章: 23,118

It is an excellent timing to marketing your English.com.tw, and only if you do the marketing that could make a nice sale, or very few chances that someone will contact you initiatively to buy your domain in Taiwan!!

Good luck!

您是網站站長嗎?歡迎到站長俱樂部 一起討論吧。
舊 2005-01-09, 04:30 AM
dtc dtc 目前離線
註冊日期: 2004-05-03
文章: 299

作者: 哈啦
It is an excellent timing to marketing your English.com.tw, and only if you do the marketing that could make a nice sale, or very few chances that someone will contact you initiatively to buy your domain in Taiwan!!

Good luck!
Actually, I no longer planning on to sell the domain just by name itself. I believe more value can be created if site itself can grow into something. With that say, I am planning to put together a blue print to position English.com.tw as a company and if the plan can generate some positive cashflow with build a solid balance sheet. Who knows, it may just be a new venture.

How is the VC market in Taiwan right now? I am hoping to obtain some VC or angel funding to take the site up a notch. How's the Internet company awareness in Taiwan? Any information will be great!
舊 2005-01-09, 05:26 AM
哈啦 的頭像
哈啦 哈啦 目前離線
註冊日期: 2002-05-28
文章: 23,118

How is the VC market in Taiwan right now?
"what are you talking about? what is this" says the bankers and stock traders.

Don't count on Taiwan on this issue, just go getting your hope in USA.

您是網站站長嗎?歡迎到站長俱樂部 一起討論吧。
舊 2005-01-09, 08:39 AM
dtc dtc 目前離線
註冊日期: 2004-05-03
文章: 299

作者: 哈啦
How is the VC market in Taiwan right now?
"what are you talking about? what is this" says the bankers and stock traders.

Don't count on Taiwan on this issue, just go getting your hope in USA.
US VC/angel will most likely not be interested in something like this in market other than their own due to unprediciabilty and lack of knowledge of the market. I dealt with quiet few VCs back in US for two of my startups few months back and cash on the market was very limited and tight. I believe dispite the market recovery in last two quarters, the investment dollars are still very limited, I was hoping Asia market may be better.

In US, the typical questions from VC will be more like:

1. What is expected ROI?
2. What's the market cap and the rate of capture?
3. Are you building a road black that people can't get thru without you or is this just something nice to have?
4. Who are the major players in the same vertial?
5. Who are you? (reference wise)

well, let's hope the investment market picks up again. For most people here (http://Domain.Club.Tw) who have great domain names and if with a great business plan, who knows, maybe funding is not far away. :-)
舊 2005-01-09, 09:37 AM
dtc dtc 目前離線
註冊日期: 2004-05-03
文章: 299
預設 why 英檢?

This morning when I read news on Chinatimes.com.tw, there are allot news regarding to 英檢. Do you know why so many people (approx. 120,000 people) took 英檢? What has happened to Taiwanese people, have them gone mad? What's up with this 英檢 maniac? Well, I think I have the answers for all these questions.

Taiwan entered WTO few years back and from that point on, Taiwanese people was no longer just competing among themselves and from that point on, Taiwan has entered the competition with countries all around world. Let’s not go too far around the world, just ask yourself this one question: Can you compete not just with your classmates, your colleagues, but people from mainland China who is at your age? Can you win? The rule of “survival of fittest” has just sounded whole lot bitter. So, what does WTO has anything to do with 英檢?

As matter of fact, it has absolutely everything to do with英檢! Let’s me explain to you why: Every business man knows, if you have a business that provides goods/services, you need to sell your goods/service, to make transactions, and ultimately to make money. Can you sell something if you can’t not communicate or negotiate deals effectively? No! You can’t run a successful business if you can’t communicate effectively and guess what, US is the world’s largest consumer, US consumes 80% of world’s resource and US is an English speaking country. If you can’t communicate with this Consumer (U.S.) effectively, you will lose your business to someone else who can!

Now you may be asking: what I care, I don’t do business with anyone in US. That, my friends, is the attitude will make you lose your job at your middle age and you will be sorry because of this attitude! Mark my words! Look at the big picture: who are you working for and who is your company working for? The food chain is linked and economies are related. Any idea why when U.S. goes into depression, the rest of world follows? If you don’t know why, let me know, I will BLOG an article to explain it to you. I really hope you know why.

Taiwan is a very small country with not much of nature resource compare to China, we not only need to work hard but we also need to work smart. One of the biggest resources of China is their labor power, if we can't out work them, we need to out smart them. I have went to China and I been Shanghai, and trust me, they are catching up with us. English is one way to out smart them. High English literacy will transform Taiwan into some sort of service hub or the switch between China and western country and only with high English literacy will we be able to better compete. So, my friends, it’s time to start learning English!

BLOG for http://English.com.tw by David…


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