SedoPro Partners Forum Treats Domain Owners to Three Days in Paradise
By Ron Jackson As soon as organizers of the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Conference announced they were taking the show to New York City my wife and I decided we would go to New York a couple of days early to see some museums and show before the conference began on Tuesday, June 19. However, our plans quickly changed when a postcard from Sedo arrived in our mailbox showing a stunning picture of the Mohonk Mountain Resort in the Hudson Valley, a couple of hours north of Manhattan. Sedo had decided to hold their 2nd annual SedoPro Partners Forum at Mohonk June 17-19 as a prelude to the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference and once we saw that picture we decided we had to be there! I think the photo below will show you why we were so eager to go. It is a picture I snapped of the Victorian era hotel and the half-mile lake it was built on after a hike to the top of a mountain directly across from the resort complex. This kind of scenery made me decide to take a different tack with this article and let the pictures do most of the talking - Mohonk is living proof that a picture is worth a thousand words. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 更多內容 |
在羨慕這些 幸運兒 之餘 -
咱們趕快集思廣益, 思考一下 域名 這塊領域裡 還有 甚麼樣的服務(生意) 能為我們創造 & 帶來類似 parking & sales (Sedo 模式) 的商機 - 集合眾人的力量 (人力 財力 物力) - 加快付諸行動 多賺些銀子吧! 說不定 - 將來我們也可自 龐大的盈餘中 提撥一些 "小錢" 來辦次 類似 的 招待顧客 活動... |
我想那些女性应该是家属吧 呵呵
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