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舊 2004-06-01, 10:42 AM
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668 668 目前離線
註冊日期: 2004-04-14
文章: 4,057
預設 [推薦]教育部公布英文基本單字...可參考使用作為域名

本字彙表之制定係參考多種字彙來源,包括民國八十三年教育部發布之「國民中學課程標準」參考字彙表、韓國小學課程綱要參考字彙、上海九年制課程綱要詞彙表、日本初中英語教材常用字彙、數種國內外兒童英語教材常用字彙,以及民國八十四、九十、九十一年大學入學考試中心公佈之高中英文參考詞彙表中之最常用詞彙,和 Collins COBUILD 最新字典所制定之最常用英文字彙表(該字典是根據The Bank of English語料庫編制的),綜合彙整,輸進電腦,建立一詞庫及字頻表後,並參考美國、英國、南非、及日本等國最常用英文字彙,最後再依我國中小學階段學生之生活經驗,及其學習英語之目標,與外語學習環境等因素加以篩選調整完成。

A─49 a (an), a few, a little, a lot, able, about, above, afraid, after, afternoon, again, age, ago, agree, air, airplane (plane), airport, all, almost, along, already, also, always, a.m., America, American, and, angry, animal, another, answer, any, anyone (anybody), anything, apartment, appear, apple, April, arm, around, arrive, art, as, ask, at, August, aunt, autumn (fall), away

B─79 baby, back, bad, bag, bakery, ball, banana, band, bank, baseball, basket, basketball, bath, bathroom, be (am, are, is, was, were, been), beach, bear, beautiful, because, become, bed, bedroom, bee, beef, before, begin, behind, believe, bell, belong, below, belt, beside, between, bicycle (bike), big, bird, birthday, bite, black, blackboard, blind, block, blow, blue, boat, body, book, bookstore, bored, boring, born, borrow, boss, both, bottle, bottom, bowl, box, boy, bread, break, breakfast, bridge, bright, bring, brother, brown, brush, build, burn, bus, business, businessman, busy, but, butter, buy, by

C─79 cake, call, camera, camp, can (could), candy, cap, car, card, care, careful, carry, case, cat, catch, celebrate, cell phone, cent, center, chair, chalk, chance, change, cheap, cheat, check, cheer, cheese, chicken, child, China, Chinese, chocolate, chopsticks, Christmas, church, circle, city, class, classmate, classroom, clean, clear, climb, clock, close, clothes, cloudy, club, coat, coffee, Coke, cold, collect, color, come, comfortable, comic, common, computer, convenient, cook, cookie, cool, copy, correct, cost, couch, count, country, cousin, cover, cow, crazy, cross, cry, cup, cut, cute

D─39 dance, dangerous, dark, date, daughter, day, dead, dear, December, decide, delicious, department store, desk, dictionary, die, different, difficult, dig, dining room, dinner, dirty, dish, do (does, did, done), doctor (Dr.), dog, doll, dollar, door, down, dozen, draw, dream, dress, drink, drive, driver, drop, dry, during

E─41 each, ear, early, earth, east, easy, eat, egg, eight, eighteen, eighth, eighty, either, elementary school, elephant, eleven, else, e-mail, end, English, enjoy, enough, enter, eraser, eve, even, evening, ever, every, everyone (everybody), everything, example, excellent, except, excited, exciting, excuse, exercise, expensive, experience, eye

F─59 face, fact, factory, fall, family, famous, fan, farm, farmer, fast, fat, father (dad, daddy), favorite, February, feel, festival, few, fifteen, fifth, fifty, fill, finally, find, fine, finger, finish, fire, first, fish, fisherman, five, fix, floor, flower, fly, follow, food, foot, for, foreign, foreigner, forget, fork, forty, four, fourteen, fourth, free, fresh, Friday, friend, friendly, from, front, fruit, full, fun, funny, future

G─26 game, garbage, garden, gas, get, gift, girl, give, glad, glass, glove, go, goat, good, good-bye (goodbye, bye), grade, grandfather (grandpa), grandmother (grandma), grass, gray, great, green, ground, group, grow, guess

H─54 habit, hair, half, ham, hamburger, hand, handsome, happen, happy, hard, hard-working, hat, hate, have (has, had), he (him, his, himself), head, headache, health, healthy, hear, heart, heat, heavy, hello, help, helpful, here, hi, hide, high, hill, history, hit, hobby, hold, holiday, home, homework, honest, hope, horse, hospital, hot, hot dog, hotel, hour, house, how, however, hundred, hungry, hurry, hurt, husband

I─15 I (me my mine myself), ice, ice cream, idea, if, important, in, inside, interest, interested, interesting, Internet, into, island, it (its, itself)

J─13 jacket, January, jeans, job, jog, join, joy, juice, July, jump, June, junior high school, just

K─16 keep, key, kick, kid, kill, kilogram, kind, king, kiss, kitchen, kite, knee, knife, knock, know, knowledge

L─45 lake, lamp, land, language, large, last, late, later, laugh, lazy, lead, leader, learn, least, leave, left, leg, lemon, lend, less, lesson, let, letter, library, lie, life, light, like, line, lion, lip, list, listen, little, live, living room, lonely, long, look, lose, loud, love, low, lucky, lunch

M─57 machine, magic, mail, mailman (mail carrier), make, man, many, map, March, mark, market, married, math, matter, may (might), May, maybe, meal, mean, meat, medicine, medium, meet, meeting, menu, mile, milk, million, mind, minute, Miss, miss, mistake, modern, moment, Monday, money, monkey, month, moon, more, morning, most, mother (mom, mommy), motorcycle, mountain, mouse, mouth, move, movie, Mr., Mrs., Ms., much, museum, music, must

N─31 name, national, near, neck, need, never, new, news, next, nice, night, nine, nineteen, ninety, ninth, no, nobody, nod, noise, noodle, noon, north, nose, not, notebook, nothing, notice, November, now, number, nurse

O─23 o'clock, October, of, off, office, officer, often, oil, OK, old, on, once, one, only, open, or, orange, order, other, out, outside, over, own

P─61 pack, package, page, paint, pair, pants, paper, parent, park, part, party, pass, past, pay, PE, pen, pencil, people, perhaps, person, pet, piano, pick, picnic, picture, pie, piece, pig, pink, pizza, place, plan, play, player, playground, please, p.m., point, police, polite, poor, popcorn, popular, pork, possible, post office, postcard, pound, practice, prepare, present, pretty, price, problem, program, proud, public, pull, purple, push, put

Q─5 queen, question, quick, quiet, quite

R─31 rabbit, radio, railway, rain, rainbow, rainy, read, ready, real, really, red, refrigerator, remember, repeat, rest, restaurant, restroom, rice, rich, ride, right, ring, river, road, ROC, room, rose, round, rule, ruler, run

S─125 sad, safe, salad, sale, salt, same, sandwich, Saturday, save, say, school, sea, season, seat, second, see, seldom, sell, send, senior high school, sentence, September, serious, seven, seventeen, seventh, seventy, several, shall, shape, share, she (her, hers, herself), sheep, ship, shirt, shoe(s), shop, shopkeeper, short, should, shoulder, show, shy, sick, side, sidewalk, simple, since, sing, singer, sir, sister, sit, six, sixteen, sixth, sixty, size, skirt, sky, sleep, slow, small, smart, smell, smile, smoke, snack, snake, snow, so, socks, sofa, some, someone (somebody), something, sometimes, somewhere, son, song, soon, sorry, sound, soup, south, space, speak, special, spell, spend, spoon, sports, spring, square, stand, star, start, station, stay, steak, still, stomach, stop, store, story, strange, stranger, street, strong, student, study, stupid, successful, sugar, summer, sun, Sunday, sunny, supermarket, sure, surprise, surprised, sweater, sweet, swim

T─72 table, Taiwan, take, talk, tall, tape, taste, taxi, tea, teach, teacher, team, teenager, telephone (phone), television (TV), tell, ten, tennis, tenth, test, than, thank, that, the, theater, then, there, these, they (them, their, theirs, themselves), thin, thing, think, third, thirsty, thirteen, thirty, this, those, though (although), thousand, three, Thursday, ticket, tiger, time, tired, to, today, together, tomato, tomorrow, tonight, too, tooth, touch, towel, town, toy, traffic, train, tree, trip, trouble, truck, true, try, Tuesday, turn, twelve, twenty, two, typhoon

U─12 umbrella, uncle, under, understand, unhappy, uniform, until, up, USA, use, useful, usually

V─6 vacation, vegetable, very, video, visit, voice

W─54 wait, waiter, waitress, wake, walk, wall, want, warm, wash, watch, water, way, we (us, our, ours, ourselves), weak, wear, weather, Wednesday, week, weekend, welcome, well, west, wet, what, when, where, whether, which, white, who, whose, why, wife, will (would), win, wind, window, windy, winter, wise, wish, with, without, woman, wonderful, word, work, workbook, worker, world, worry, write, writer, wrong

Y─7 year, yellow, yes (yeah), yesterday, yet, you (your, yours, yourself, yourselves), young,

Z─ 1 zoo
舊 2005-03-13, 11:51 AM
Viya 的頭像
Viya Viya 目前離線
註冊日期: 2005-03-10
文章: 701

......Jesus Loves You......
舊 2005-03-14, 11:08 PM
Viya 的頭像
Viya Viya 目前離線
註冊日期: 2005-03-10
文章: 701

有誰知道.TW 大約什麼時候開放?今年會開放兩層的嗎?
......Jesus Loves You......



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