以下是我從domainmonster收到的移轉mail In order to affect a transfer of xxx.tv, we have sent an email to the current Administrative Contact Email Address. This address is: xxx.tv@protecteddomainservices.com *** We notice that this email address is used by a known privacy service. Make sure you turn OFF your privacy service with your current registrar. You will then need to restart the transfer following the instructions below. *** The transfer email can only be sent to the Administrative contact address shown in the WHOIS. You will need to click the unique link within the transfer email and enter the domain's Auth-Code. This is a unique code obtained from your current registrar. xxx.tv is currently with the registar: SPOT DOMAIN LLC DBA DOMAINSITE.COM. If you do not have access to xxx.tv@protecteddomainservices.com then you need to contact your current regsitrar to change the Administrative Contact Email Address to one that you do have access to. You can confirm that this Administrative Contact Email Address has been changed by checking the WHOIS for the domain. Once the WHOIS is correct, you can request a restart of the transfer process from the Transfer Status page in your Members area: |