[Help] 在 RegisterMore.com 轉移網域被扣兩次款
剛剛詢問過中國信託, 回覆說被扣兩次款, 請問怎麼會這樣呢? 第一次 12/22 申請 RegisterMore.com 回覆說失敗, 要我再輸入一次, 因為我一直等不到 email 回覆, 只好再重新輸入一次, 結果卻被扣兩次款? 麻煩站長大人幫幫忙, 謝謝喔. ps, 我沒辦法在其他區留言, 只好在這裡發問, sorry Dear Customer: Thank you for your recent transfer request. We want to let you know transfer order #33596681 has been closed. Below you will find the status of all domains in this order. The following domain names were not transferred successfully: Domain Name Rejection Reason ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 90net.org Canceled - Domain is locked at current registrar, or is not yet 60 days old One or more of the domains in this order was rejected because the domain was locked. Please contact the current registrar, request them to remove the lock, and then resubmit a transfer order for this domain. If you have any questions please reply to this e-mail. Thank you for using our domain registration services. Sincerely, RegisterMore.com |
謝謝啦, 安全就好囉, 您是我所遇過最專業的供應商, so good
最近六年都在 gkg, 代管, 因為管理上超方便的, Q & A 速度特快, 網頁設計也簡潔豐富, 還能使用動態 DNS 架站, 雖然 clint 端程式要自己寫, 但 web / ftp / telnet....通通都可以, 動態 DNS 的喔! 可惜, 上個月 gkg 片面取消 "catchall alias", 造成我整個網域的信件 100% 全部莫名失蹤且無法估計數量, 所有對外通訊無聲無息的全部中斷, 損失慘重, 整好外找代管的郵件主機, 這時才發現 gkg 不提供 MX 設定......!@#$%^ 只好準備大搬家, 不過只能慢慢來, 因為每個 domain 都有網站, 都是中小企業或台商的商業網站, 不能停機的. ps, 更早六年以前是 networks????ion, 因為網址實在太難拼, 又臭又長無法理解, 每次都不得其門而入, 只好搬家! 當中還夾雜用過別家 pchome/seednet...... 但服務人員太不專業, 動不動就推說是我中病毒, 不敢領教. |
我剛剛在 dn875 看到功能列表, 跟 registermore.com 似乎多出很多?
是真的有差嗎? 剛好這些都是我最需要的耶? ------------------------------------- 100 Email Forwarding Addresses: * Create up to 100 personalized email addresses and forward them to other email addresses. * Create a catch-all (wildcard) email address. * No advertising is added to forwarded emails. ------------------------------------- Web/URL Forwarding/Framing: * Forward/redirect or Frame your domain name to any other URL/website on the web ------------------------------------- Name-My-Phone: * Give your phone a memorable, meaningful, identity so that people can send text messages to your phone without using an email client. A snap to setup. Select from 6 custom "skins" for your phone's site. ------------------------------------- Name-My-Map: * Ever want to give someone directions to your home or business? Now, you can just tell them, " go to map.myname.com" where a map to the location you've specified will be displayed. |