一封Spam Traffic 通知信, 就沒收了75% November payment
唉... 13號寫了信給Sedo. 但至今還沒有回音.... 有版友收過類似的email 嗎? 請分享一下, Thanks
DomainNames .cc | DomainNames .TV | Domain Brilliant | Premium Coffee Name Bloggers | Domain Softwares | Auto Multimeter | Super Gemstone | Wallets .tv | Ultrasonic Cleaner EN.HK 免費超短轉址 |香港 二手車 | 電郵行銷 |
收购各位版友的四字母com、数字米com/net/cc、三杂米com、拼音米。价格随行市价。站内联系。 |
如果是事實, 沒砍掉帳號應該算是好運了
可是可能會被列為警示帳號..嚴格觀察喔 ^^ 如果是sedo搞錯了, 那就強力去抗爭吧
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小弟在13 Dec 2007 寫了信給sedo 了... 如下
Hello, I received November payment today and I notice that Sedo withhold $xxx EUR of my November revenue by the reason of "spam traffic". I am very disappointed with Sedo since it take away $xxx EUR from me without a reasonable reason. In [xxx] Stats page, above 60% of the visitor is from US and I see search engine link in the Top Referrers and that why I feel the "spam traffic" claimed is not reasonable. I am looking for a reasonable remedy or compensation. Please let me know what you think, Regards, Kam 但到現在還沒有回覆喔...
DomainNames .cc | DomainNames .TV | Domain Brilliant | Premium Coffee Name Bloggers | Domain Softwares | Auto Multimeter | Super Gemstone | Wallets .tv | Ultrasonic Cleaner EN.HK 免費超短轉址 |香港 二手車 | 電郵行銷 此篇文章於 2007-12-31 09:13 PM 被 kam 編輯。 |
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