Google 對 +1 按鈕又有新計畫,現在除了朋友 +1 過的內容出現在你的搜尋結果中會被標示出來之外,Google 還想將 +1 按鈕的點擊紀錄整合進搜尋結果排名機制中,一方面深化社交搜尋,另一方面也希望藉此優化搜尋結果品質,打擊垃圾內容,只是真的可行嗎?
+1 按鈕的可人為操縱性並不難想像,直接拿來作為搜尋結果排名的機制之一,其合理性不免將遭受質疑,尤其 Google 已經不是第一次面臨指控搜尋結果偏袒自家產品,再加上自從將 Google+ 與搜尋整合後,無形中為網站經營者帶來了必須要安裝 Google+套件的壓力,種種做法都讓 Google 被認為手段不公。 雖然對此 Google 表示,Google+ 的資訊或 +1 按鈕都只會是超過 200 種搜尋結果運算機制中的其中一種,並不至於會對結果排名造成過份的影響,Google 也會謹慎評估 +1 按鈕資訊的可用性後再進行相關開發,希望可以避免為黑帽 SEO 開了另一扇窗。 |
現在已經seo業者推出 +1 服務
摘錄我收到的推銷信內容 Our beta testing if complete and we now have a Google +1 formula that works. It's a much more manual process but the results are great and it's slow enough to look natural to Google. We have a limited amount of Google +1s available since our new process is more resource intensive. There are 2 options: 1st Option - Starter Package - 500 +1s for $349 - 10 Packages Available This package can go to one URL or can be split up evenly between up to 5 URLs/sub-pages. It usually takes about 7 to 10 days after your project is started to fulfill 500 +1s. Projects will typically be started within 72 hours depending on how backed our team is at the time. 2nd Option - BEST VALUE Package - 1000 +1s for $599 - 5 Packages Available This package can go to one URL or can be split up evenly between up to 10 URLs/sub-pages. It usually takes about 10 to 14 days after your project is started to fulfill 1000 +1s. Projects will typically be started within 72 hours depending on how backed our team is at the time. |
每次都說是"200 種搜尋"其一
花招越來越多 ![]()
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