.me註冊局此次釋出五個premium .me,包括 around.me, fund.me, find.me, for.me, hire.me,不同以往拍賣的方式,這次是真的只能用申請的,再由他們決定給哪位申請者。這樣做的目的是確保這幾個域名能真正落在有足夠實力發展的申請人手上,並獲得實質的發展。
這確實為.me有加分的作用。雖然才五個域名,但卻賺到了未來的價值,將來再拿其他好域名來拍賣就有更多人來買了。 ![]() 有意申請者可至: http://domain.me/premium-domain-program/ |
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Criteria for NonAuction Allocation of Premium Names
1. The name must be used as the primary URL for a web site, a product site, or a service site. 2. The web site, product, or service cannot contain or promote sexually oriented material or advertising. 3. The applicant (i) cannot intend to use the name for personal use, (ii) cannot apply as an individual, and (iii) cannot be a sole proprietorship. 4. The applicant must be able to demonstrate significant traffic, or make an offer of a one time paym ent of no less than EUR 20,000 (does not include annual registration fees). Significant traffic means average daily unique visitors of no less than 15,000 (or minimum of 450,000 per month). A proportional mix of traffic and one time payment is also acceptable, for example, 7500 unique visitors per day and a EUR 10,000 one time payment. 5. Applicant must agree to the other terms of the template agreement (attached), including a minimum 3 year term and restricted rights during that minimum term.
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