來函照登 -
A letter is being sent to ICANN with respect to the lack of regulation for existing gTLDs transitioning to IDN gTLDs. It covers the case of Verisign and PIR. If you did not know, PIR has decided that IDN.org owners will not have the right to IDN.org-in-IDN. We view this as a dangerous precedent, as a result, we are sending a letter to ICANN about it asking for explanations.
An appendix will be attached to the letter, containing the name, country and email of everyone who expects an answer from ICANN to the issues raised in the letter. The letter will ask that the appendix not be published publicly on ICANN's website.
Please add your name, country and email to the thread if you want it included in the appendix. The more support, the better our chances of ICANN taking action.
IDNforums 上的 Squirrel 版友 (Jean-Sebastien Lascary) 有感於 .ORG 的管制局 限制 註冊 IDN .ORG 域名者 的權益, 而準備向 ICANN 寄發一封郵件, 建議 ICANN 能關心 並影響 .ORG 註冊局目前對於 PIR 限制鬆綁.
Squirrel 版友 希望在寄給 ICANN 的信件上 能附上 關切並支持此建議的 域名投資人的 基本資料 (姓名 / 國籍 / eMail address)
願意支持的版友, 請私下將妳的 資料 (姓名 / 國籍 / eMail address) PM 給我;
我將會在彙整之後 轉交給 Squirrel 版友...
目前, 哈啦老大 跟我已經將我們兩人的資料提供給 Squirrel, 而 S 大 (Seesawgame 應該已經收到 Squirrel 與 idnforums.com admin 的私訊請求了)