For sale at strongly reduced price because would like to sale before renewal date. Real 2-letter short domains:
eu.fo - European Union uk.fo - United Kingdom se.fo - Sweden, Software Engineering se.sv - Sweden related, Software Engineering .FO - Faroe, Europe. Possible meanings: FOrum, FOrward, ... Renewals around 53 USD .SV - El Salvador. Possible meanings: Server, Service, ... Renewals around 85 USD Sale and details: http://1-single-letter-domains.com/?r=_fo_sv_cheap#2chars __________________________________________________________ Btw. here some 2-letter sale examples according to DNJournal.com: LA.com - 1.200.000 USD - GoDaddy TP.com - 929.000 USD - NameJet YM.xyz - 39.424 USD - West.cn FB.io - 20.000 USD R4.co - 12.000 USD - Sedo MK.cc - 11.300 USD - Sedo
http://www.1-single-letter-domains.com - short domains. http://www.mobilespecialists.net - Apps, Typo3 CMS, Online-Communities, Websites online! |
This are my last 2-letters. All other are sold. I would like to sell them in bulk - .FO and .SV need to be renewed soon but CN.NF is regged until 02.2018 :
CN.NF SE.SV EU.FO UK.FO SE.FO Can make better bulk offer. Fast contact over: info@1-single-letter-domains.com
http://www.1-single-letter-domains.com - short domains. http://www.mobilespecialists.net - Apps, Typo3 CMS, Online-Communities, Websites online! |