I got this letter this afternoon.
the mail title is "my domain name into your registerfly panel !!!" but after I check the resource code, the real link is but in the mail it appears as a normal link. http://registerfly.com/login.php&target=default&se=2B&spkey=GDSWEB10se=2BDe=2T&ci=708&target=default&2Easp&target=default&CANCEL-TRANSFER-enhancedcorporations.com very weird, cuz the real link starts with IP address. I think this is a phshing scam. just be careful~ I have forwarded this mail to registerfly~ I hope they can info someone who can ban this ip. here is mail body "Hello how are you sir ? i have a problem with one of my domain name and only you can solve my problem...i have a panel in Registerfly website and i have some domain names into that yesterday i sold one of them and i wanted to transfer my domain name to the buyer but he incorrectly give another account userid.. and that is your Registerfly account userid...so i transfered my domain name into your panel incorrectly and my domain name (enhancedcorporations.com) is in your Registerfly panel..i contact Registerfly support dept and they give me your email address and said to me i must talk with you in this issue.so please login into your Registerfly account from http://registerfly.com/login.php&target=default&se=2B&spkey=GDSWEB10se=2BDe=2T&ci=708&target=default&2Easp&target=default&CANCEL-TRANSFER-enhancedcorporations.com and just click on "cancel transfer process for enhancedcorporations.com" Thank You Good Bye " |