我只收到通知信 我卻還在等twnic的告知註冊密碼的信 今天下午我上去請twnic補寄 xxxxx.org.tw 已於 2005-08-30 09:37:08 完成優先申請註冊登錄, 若要重送優先申請註冊之繳費密碼,【請點 重送登錄通知email】 說明: 系統會將優先申請註冊繳費密碼之通知信寄送至您原屬性型英文網域名稱所留存之e-mail地址。 若您原屬性型英文網域名稱e-mail地址已更換以致您無法收到確認信,請必須先至您原屬性型英文網域名稱所屬之受理註冊機構網站進行基本資料修正。 它是有寄來 但看來又是通知書 也沒看到什麼優先申請註冊之繳費密碼(如下) Dear .tw Customer: This is to confirm your pre-registration application for a .tw second level domain name. The information listed below is your pre-registration application. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Qualified third level domain name: xxxxx.org.tw Second level domain name applied for : xxxxx.tw Registrar you chose for second level domain name: 007 Names, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Please note the important information listed below that applies to all filed pre-registration applications: 1. Receipt of a pre-registration application does NOT guarantee that applicants will obtain the registration right for the second level domain name applied for. Second level .tw domain name selection will follow the procedures announced by TWNIC to decide the priority of any specific second level domain name. 2. After the priority is decided and is announced to the public, the selected registrar will notify applicants to make the necessary payment for the qualified second level domain. If payment is not received within the specified time, the priority registration will be invalid and deleted. 3. According to TWNIC's announcement about the "cut-off date", applicants shall keep their qualified third level domain name active in order to meet TWNIC's pre-registration requirement to register second level domain name. Applicants will lose their pre-registration right if applicants' third level domain names are in one of the following statuses : domain name deleted, ownership transferred, and domain name changed. Thank you for your pre-registration application. Please keep this e-mail for your reference. Please contact us if you experience any problems with your .tw second level application. Kind regards, ================================== Department of Domain Name Services Taiwan Network Information Center: TWNIC Tel: +886-2-2341-3300 Fax: +886-2-2396-8801 Web Service: http://mydn.twnic.net.tw/service/ Website: http://www.twnic.net.tw ================================= 不知各位的優先申請註冊之繳費密碼mail是什麼內容 =====================================
趕快翻翻mail資料 shenghong兄 感謝您的回應
那個網頁上有一個重寄的功能 我就沒有收到,繳錢時利用重寄功能取得的
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這是 TWNIC 的回覆: 在海外申請泛用型英文網域名稱之優先申請是沒有繳費密碼 貴公司只須至該海外受理註冊機構 eNom, Inc 網站繳費即可 eNom, Inc 網站請至http://www.enom.com/ 結果上了 eNom 發現根本沒有 .tw 的後綴選項... 怎麼繳啊? ![]() |
回覆給我的是 -------------------------------------------------------- >我有到 eNom, Inc 網站要繳費 但是該網站沒有繳費的地方 >我也沒收到繳費通知 >請問那該怎麼繳費呢? 謝謝回答 您好: 本中心已與 eNom, Inc 聯絡並請 eNom, Inc 之人員主動回覆您 請貴公司於2005-10-27 12:00 至2005-11-03 12:00間完成繳款程序 -------------------------------------------------------- 其實那密碼應該就是一開始申請的EPP Key(13碼) 在Authorization Info (EPP Key) 可以找到 |
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但我想問一下就是國外註冊商 在處理事情上是出了名的又拖又慢 他們哪會管會不會拖過了2005/11/03的註冊期限? 我曾請求更換成台灣註冊商 twnic還沒回應
我記得我申請預註.tw時是選國內註冊商的捏 是不是國外的也就只能在國外註呢? 真是麻煩? ![]() 真怕會把時間處理過頭了而喪失註.tw的權益 ![]()