2.在網路上看到有人貼pro的三大問題,只是有看沒有懂,不知有無大大可以幫忙解釋一下 All I know [.Pro] have 3 big problems. 1. [.Pro] Registry always change, and not stable. Nic.pro is not the orignal registry now, and they are not responsible on the registry duty, too. They run like a children game, never do some change , it is really stupid. Technical is always change, No one can promise that the resolve domain can do success anytime, even google.com. I had been fighting with nic.pro, but they are a dead fish, always no responce. 2. [.Pro] Need License, It is restrict gTLD. [.info]/[.Name]/[.Pro] are the games of internic/icann. [.info] have some success promotion , then it success now. [.Name] have make some change, and so far so good. [.Pro] registry is stupid all the time, and like a dead fish==) no change. All I can say , Domain_Name_Game like gambling, it need more lucky on [.pro] now. [internic/icann] always lie to us, They are the king , we are the stupid people. 3. Renew_Fee is US$99, High than others gTLD. All over the world only two group to promote [.pro] GroupA: Encirca.biz , he is new registrar , need some new job to do his best. But All I know , Encirca.biz like domainer, He register a lot of [.pro] too. If you act like this , no honor to be a registrar, just like a game player. GroupB: Some domain_forum websitemaster promote the [.pro], only. 3.看到有asia tel 準備開放,不知道這兩種跟pro相比哪個較有價值 而asia與tel 已經開放註冊了嗎?哪些地方可以註冊,費用/year 多少? 4.一些網域.ac.ms.sh.tc.fm.tm.io.vg.la這些網域哪些比較推薦呢 註冊費用約多少,因為只查到幾個註冊有中文註冊地方,年費用2500,英文註冊網站的沒看到價格 若以這些網域來選,哪些比較適合,o l 很容易跟0 1搞混的樣子,有t又怕對方記成tw 麻煩各位有愛心的資深大大 此篇文章於 2007-05-05 07:50 AM 被 tiens 編輯。 |
想也知道,這種狗屁不通的作法就是讓這個.pro幾乎快死了,它的註冊局一年沒收到幾個錢還得付大筆權利金給域名當局。 後來有一家encirca就想出個妙招,因為這家註冊商很容易就搞到一些執照,就符合申請資格,然後以這家註冊商為註冊人,「幫你」註冊你想要的一級網址 ***.pro,而讓你使用,所以whois上的註冊者是這家公司encirca,但administration則是你的名字。 所以有些人比較擔心的是,有二點: 一、這個取巧的方法會不會哪天被禁止? 二、畢竟註冊者上寫的不是我,感覺比較沒保障。 三、註冊費很貴,加重了前二項的疑慮。 所以你要自己估量一下。我們註冊的人大都不太會擔心,覺得它總有一天要整個放鬆這種可笑的申請限制,不然這個域名就是死路一條。註冊局基於本身利益,不會讓它完蛋的。 但心裡也有準備,就是真不幸規則反而更嚴厲,那我們之前註冊的大概就沒了。只是這種機會微乎其微,因為真要有那麼一天,真要去找什麼執照去應付一下還怕找不到嗎? |
剛測試名稱後面加pro的話 xxxpro.com 還可以註冊, 這樣可代替代註冊pro網域,不知這樣組合如何,還可省不少費用
不知道xxxpro這樣,會有人用xxxpros←後面加複數的嗎 若有,哪種比較恰當呢 |
namepros <---- 國外域名論壇之一 就是使用 XXXXpros
那麼多事幹的域名有價值嗎? |