那你就不要理他, 基本上是你不對, 只是sedo可能還在等你的回應, 至少會有個期限等你.. 如果你都不回應, 基本上也不能sedo也不能如何, 我猜~頂多封了你的帳號, 或是提供買家一切司法上的資訊
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Reporting a Violation of Sedo's Rules for Sellers
If a domain seller has failed to follow any of the rules above, has refused to complete a sale and payment has not been sent or payment has been refunded you may report the seller to Sedo by submitting an email through our contact page. While it is your right to seek judicial enforcement of your sales agreement, Sedo may choose to issue a formal warning, a temporary suspension of the seller’s account, or canceling their account. When filing a complaint against a seller it is important to include any documentation of the seller's refusal to complete the sale with the full message text and complete email headers. Our Privacy Policy prevents Sedo from discussing the result of an investigation.
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TOS裡面有,賣方域名推向拍賣後,有接受最高標的義務. Binding Declaration of the Seller When the Seller enters a Domain or Web Project as an Auction, he/she accepts the offer received, from the Initial Bidder, prior to the selection of the Auction Period as the reserve price for his/her Auction. If no other higher bids are received by the close of the Auction Period the Initial Bidder’s offer is automatically accepted and the Auction closes with the Initial Bidder as the winner. The Auction Period ends seven days after the initial bid had been submitted which triggered the seller to start the auction. During the Auction Period the Seller agrees that he/she must sell the Domain to the Initial Bidder for the price reflected in the offer that Seller used to trigger the start of the Auction. During this period, Sedo may not cancel the Auction. If the Seller enters a particular Domain into an Auction Period and an Initial Bidder has previously bid on the Domain, the Seller is bound to the offered price for seven days from the time the Initial Bidder placed an offer, not seven days from the time the Auction Period was entered into. Seller further agrees that he will accept the highest valid offer made during the Auction Period so long as the Auction Period was not cancelled by Sedo in accordance with these terms and conditions. Once the Seller enters a Domain or Web Project as an Auction, he is prohibited from offering or selling this Domain or Web Project anywhere else other than within that Auction. |
1.Initial bidder的出價就是拍賣的保留價,拍賣期間沒有人提出更高價,原出價賣方"自動"接受. 2.在拍賣期間,賣方同意他"必須"將domain以觸發拍賣的價格賣給Initial bidder.(換句話說是非賣不可了) 3.賣方同意,在拍賣未被Sedo以違反condition或term刪除時,賣方"接受"拍賣期結束後最高的有效出價. |