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舊 2010-08-12, 01:25 AM
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預設 .JOBS Launches Expressions of Interest

.JOBS (Dot JOBS) Launches Expressions of Interest

CLEVELAND -- Employ Media LLC, the licensed operator of the .JOBS Top Level Domain (TLD), is now accepting Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the registration and use of Geographic, Industry, Occupation and Dictionary terms. This announcement comes on the heels of the decision last week by the ICANN Board of Directors to grant Employ Media the authority to do so. All such names in .JOBS had been previously reserved from use on the Internet.
There is no cost to submit an EOI and an EOI is not required to participate in the Request for Proposal (RFP) period when it begins.

“We believe accepting EOI’s will facilitate dialog with potential RFP applicants. We’re particularly interested in hearing ideas comprising a bulk number of domains,” states Tom Embrescia, Chairman of Employ Media. “Up to now, we’ve only allowed company names such as www.Applebees.jobs and www.UnionPacific.jobs. Now we are looking for ideas for how companies can easily and uniformly distribute their jobs and related information to user-intuitive sites such as www.Chicago.jobs, www.sales.jobs, and www.restaurant.jobs.”

Information on how to submit an EOI can be found at Employ Media’s www.RFP.jobs.

The formal RFP period will begin soon after the close of the EOI period. The purpose of the RFP period is to make available previously reserved Industry, Geographic, Occupation, and Dictionary terms, but with one particular caveat - each should function in a way which serves the needs of the international human resource community.

“I believe today that employers have won something potentially very big,” states Rhonda Stickley, Senior Director, Talent Acquisition Providence Health & Services. “But it will be up to us - the leaders in this industry - to make it happen and I believe we will.”

Mr. Embrescia adds: “We’re looking to build upon the trusted space .JOBS has become. If done right, we think the potential for employers to gain efficiencies with the Internet to attract candidates could be breathtaking. We are looking to our community to tell us how.”

Top Level Domains, TLD’s, are the unique suffix of Internet URL’s. The most widely used TLD suffix is .COM. There are also specialty suffixes, like .EDU and .JOBS, that exist for specific purposes. Each TLD suffix is licensed to an independent operator primarily by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). For example, the .COM TLD is licensed by ICANN to VeriSign, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRSN). In turn, VeriSign makes domain name registrations available and receives an annual registration fee for each. There are over 80 million .COM domain name registrations by people and organizations located in nearly every corner of the world.

The .JOBS TLD was created by ICANN in 2005 with global licensing rights awarded to Employ Media, a privately held company headquartered in Cleveland, OH.
舊 2010-08-12, 11:45 AM
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註冊日期: 2010-06-18
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