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舊 2012-08-01, 12:31 PM
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預設 Only a few of the new gTLDs will succeed

Some experts only think a few of the new gTLDs will succeed

Mark Whysall | Jul 31, 2012

A ‘Father of the Internet’, Vint Cerf, said in this article “I think only a few new TLDs will be notably successful, but I could be wrong.”

Some other experts say they actually think the new TLDs will increase the value of dot.com domain names, and other, already successful domains extensions like .Net .Me and .Org, because when the new TLDs comes there will be too many new extensions out there.

We all know the short name TLDs on the internet are often the best, and some of the new extensions will be long like four letters or more.

Also, it will be very important for the new TLD owners to get new TLDs branded and known on the market, but there will be 100′s of other TLDs out there. How do you get GoDaddy interested in selling your domain TLD if there are only a limited amount of options for domain names that will be interested in it? How many different names would GoDaddy be able to sell for .insurance?

Well, not many and then they will not be interesting enough for GoDaddy to sell and promote them.

Without the 100% support of the already established domain registration companies, it is unlikely that the new gTLD’s will succeed without massive amounts of marketing dollars. It may also be too iffy for new registrars to throw money at the potential money pit of the new gTLDs.

Yes some, probably very few, of the new gTLDs that will be available to the public might succeed, but most will continue buying the time-proven .com, .net .me .org TLDs.

The ones to fail will be:

the underfunded, who don’t manage to make it out of the gate.
the understaffed/under ‘strategised’ who haven’t understood their buyer’s market and behaviour clearly enough. This kind of ineptitude will translate to the registrars, who will say ‘no thank you’ to picking them up.
those who died a death by policy-wonking. Businesses who just got caught up in the barbed-wire of the ICANN new gTLD evaluation, contention, auction, contract, delegation, +time, +time. (Jennie-Marie Larsen)



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