Domain Transfer Coupons:
Valid for new transfers of .com/.net/.org TLDs only & are not valid for domains that have previously been transferred out of Namecheap. Each domain transfer related coupon code is limited to 10 domains per business or household. All domains include the option for 1 free year of both WhoisGuard and Open-Xchange Personal Email. ICANN fees of $0.18 are not included in the sale price and will be added for .com/.net domains at the time of purchase. A total of 10 domains can be transferred at this price across both days of the promotion. -- 我的每個 domain 幾乎都曾從 NameCheap 轉出過, 當初在 NameCheap 註冊 / 轉入時, 價格也是 $0.98 ~ $1 大家慢玩了...
我有很多域名, 隨時可以移轉
但一時之間 卻沒準備要註冊什麼域名. 還是很感謝您提供 最及時的優惠訊息 |