我目前有一個domain接到一個出價,步驟進行的一個階段時 sedo現在說要我簽一個Sales contract ,想請教有售出經驗的大大 你們之前出售時也是如此嗎? ![]() |
我在 Sedo 上 (原本可能成交) 的 "第一次" 跨國銷售 域名, 就是我選擇
"要 contract" 的交易條件, 後來 就是敗在 那份 合約 上 ! 倘若能確定對方有意願購買, 又金額不是大到 "令人驚訝" 的程度的話, 聽聽 哈啦 前輩的忠告 鐵定沒錯的... |
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可否請您教我一下這個信應該怎麼寫呢?就是如何跟sedo說我不需要合約,我擔心萬一我寫錯就毀了 ![]() 另外,會不會有可能是買方想要有合約呢?我直接說不要合約會不會不妥?以下是sedo的通知信: Dear Mr. chang, Hello from Sedo and congratulations on your sale! Unfortunately one of the parties has requested a written contract in order to process this sale. In order to fulfil this requirement we have placed a copy of the contract form in your account. You access this form for printing and filling out by logging into your account and clicking on "Get Transaction Documents" under the "Transfer Overview" for this transfer in the "View Transfers" section. As soon as you fill this form out and fax it (our range of fax numbers can be found on the contract itself) to us we initiate the transfer process. It is important that you do this as soon as possible, as no action can be taken on this transfer until we have your contract. We will then keep this on file for you and then send it to you with all supporting documents, in the very unlikely event that you require it. Should you have any questions about the contract or any difficulties in filling them out or faxing it to us, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Malkhaz Kapanadze -- Sedo GmbH . Friesenwall 5-7 . 50672 Cologne (Germany) toll-free (877) 349-5902 . fax (212) 202-3951 http://www.sedo.com . mailto:malkhaz@sedo.com |
I do not need any contract, and prefer not to sign this contract, nor need the other party to do so, so we may save time. Just let's do the deal as soon as possible. thank you, |
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
我寫信去試試 |
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不小心就點選了"要 contract" 的交易條件... 陰差陽錯的喪失了交易的機會... ![]() 我才交易完一筆交易(17888.com)... 比預期的順利... ![]() |
我也是選擇不需要合約,不過買方多半都會要求,因此還是免不了,如果賣方要求要合約,交易完成後sedo就會把合約影本郵寄過來。 |