1. 當新註冊了一個域名~~~要多久才能轉移給別人呢? tw要3個月後,那 com ...info....biz等等呢?要多久 還有..域名要過期前90天也不能轉移嗎?? Ans: http://www.domain.club.tw/showthread.php?t=1411 2. 當我把網址移轉授權碼拿給新的註冊商請求轉移一個Domain~~這個囀移的過程哈拉大大說要1~2個禮拜~~~好久喔~~~為什麼要這麼久阿?? 3. 誰有在Yahoo那裡轉移過阿?如果我要轉移在Yahoo的域名到別的地方~~~ 它只有寫下面這樣~~但我看了還不是很懂~~誰可以簡單的解釋一下如何轉移嗎? http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/domain...gement-24.html Ans: http://jesse.blogs-china.com/200510/52.html
這是我上次寄信去問他們的回答 To change registrars for your domain name, you do not need permission from the Yahoo! Domains service. Your new domain name registrar should have the authority to initiate a domain name transfer with your permission. Please verify that your new registrar has the ability to do so. Not all domain services provide an option to take over current domain name registrations. Please be sure to cancel your account with Yahoo! in order to stop incurring charges for the domain name. |
^^ 那麼複雜喔~~~但還是感謝喔 ^^