Hi Aodu, Thanks for responding. We are not in any position to spend that much money for the domain at this point. We have just recently purchased goodtomorrow.org and that will be sufficient for now. We are a band, and until we really start selling some records, I don’t think we’ll be able to spend more than $1000 USD. I will keep your email on file in case we get to the point where we need to purchase that domain…unless you would be interested in drastically reducing the price. Thanks, anyways though. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第一次收信内容: Hi, I am interested in purchasing the rights to your domain name... goodtomorrow.com. Are you the contact for this? How much would you sell it for? Could you please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in selling this domain. Thanks. 第一次回信内容 I am sorry, I am busy recently, I read your mail today. This domain name' price is $8888.But this price isn't end price. Could you please let me know how much you can accept.Thanks. 全部内容如上,小弟英文不行,不太清楚他回信里的语气是想买还是不想。我该还价多少呢? 我是在35.com注册的,如果是和外国人交易的话,怎么交易呢?流程是怎么样的?有劳各位了。 ![]() |
那麼你就1000 賣給他吧...
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个人认为,提高到1200~1800会比较容易接受,不过还是看你的意志,因为价太高,对方会跑单不再理你,到时就连1000都没有了 ^^!
若你决意出售,也可以这样变价,要求是1000欧元而1000美元,交易费用对方出,估计对方较容易接受点 此篇文章於 2007-03-27 10:03 AM 被 kuer 編輯。 |
所以不是很明白他到底能承受多少价位。 刚才看了一下.net .org都有网页,但很简单,.org是转到了另一个站的子网页上,没什么内容的;.net是日本的网站,不懂日文,看上去象是卖花的。 另外请教各位:怎么交易呢?交易费是多少? 再次感谢kuer、alextung、kam! ![]() 此篇文章於 2007-03-27 06:14 PM 被 aodu 編輯。 原因: 改正错字,增加内容 |
祝好运. ![]()
真诚做人,小心做事。 |
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